13 Reasons Why Season 3

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I am writing about 13 Reasons Why Season 3 which is no longer really about Hannah Baker who had committed suicide in season 1. Oh no, this is about Bryce Walker and the mystery behind who killed him. It follows all those students who were part of the first season as well as someone new. Who? You may ask. I can't give that away otherwise it will be a spoiler.

If you're wondering why I didn't write about season one or two, it's because I watched them a long time ago; so, I didn't feel the need to. Anyway... I'm going to give this show a 10/10/ Heck yes! My first 10/10, why? Because it makes people see the reality of things. People go through bullying on a daily and we may never even know or perhaps we do and we choose to do nothing. This series shows us the consequences of what could potentially happen and what does actually happen in real and it is hard to deal with it. That is why I love it so much. If you know anyone who is a victim of bullying or is thinking of suicide, please help them. Even just talking and being there for them may be enough to save the person's life. Thank you for reading.

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