High School Musical: The Musical Series

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This series is about a group of high school students that come together to do theater. The first season is of them re-enacting High School Musical and figuring themselves out as individuals and sometimes as couples while getting over jealousies. The second season they do a production of Beauty and the Beast and learn a life lesson. Third season they come to terms with saying goodbye while at summer camp. 

Hello Readers! So... To be honest, I thought this show was boring. I liked the music and some of the actors singing, but some acting was just bad; like b-rated bad. I do think this had potential to be better especially when they added cameos, but no. I know not everyone is going to agree with my opinion and that is okay. Watch it for yourself and see what you think of it but I am giving this a 3/10. This show is available on Disney+ and I hope you enjoy it! Borahae ♥♥

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