Spider Man: No Way Home

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Hello Readers! Be warned if you have not seen this yet, I recommend you tread lightly into this because it may contain some spoilers.

If you have seen all the Marvel films then you know who Peter Parker is: Spider Man. Peter is or was an ordinary kid that went to school until his identity was exposed. Because of this he and his friends were rejected for college. The most loved hero became the most hated. It got so bad to the point he had to visit Dr. Strange who took pity on the kid. But what ended up happening was a catastrophe; villains from different universes went after Peter. 

Well I will personally give this film a 6/10. I'm sure others would want to give it more, but quite frank, I'm not a marvel fan. I do however love all the comedic points in this film as well as the crossovers between all the previous Spider Mans that have movies of their own. There were some emotional parts as well which made this movie great; and we can't forget about the action. Now the thing that made me dislike the film was the fact that Peter had a super cool suit that Tony Stark made him yet in the end he made his own? What happened to the other one? Anyway, for the time being this film is available in theaters, I don't know when it will come out on blu-ray, but hopefully soon for those who want to get their hands on it. I hope you enjoy this movie once you see it. 

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