Chapter 4

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Alby helped me up and we walked away from the big crowd. "What the hell is going on I want all answer leave nothing out," I yelled automatically. So he did. He explained every thing to the best of his knowledge. I don't even know how half of it was possible or even why this is happening. But I hope it's for a good reason. Because I think it's pretty messed up to do this to people. "All this only works if we work together and have trust," he said finishing talking. "We can find you a job tomorrow you can try them all out. Then we'll decide. This only works if you trust us. So do you?" He asked me. I didn't respond. I don't know if I do but maybe I don't. But he walked away anyway. I sat there for a while. Then I got up and started walking though the woods. It was nice and peaceful out here. I liked it. I say down by a tree and just admired this nice moment. When suddenly a twig snapped. I jumped up and looked around. I saw nothing at first but when I turned around a second time someone was there. It was one of the boys. "What the hell did you follow me," I yelled at the person. "Yes," he replied stepping closer. He had blond hair and brown eyes. He was tall and muscular and spoke with a British accent. "Why," I asked. "I wanted to know what you were doing. You seem different," the boy said. I stared at him wondering what he was really doing. The I started to walk away past him. "Wait what's your name," he called after me. I thought about it again trying to remember. "I don't know," I said quietly. "It's okay it'll come soon. My names Newt," he said. I turned around and looked at him one last time then walked away.

Sorry late update. I still don't know a name. Google can work too.

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