Chapter 37

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That night I got no sleep. I was worrying like crazy about Thomas. I really hope what Newt said was true. I hope everyone is okay and then in the morning everything will go back to sleep. He's my only family I have or can remember. I hope when or if we get out of here I can see my family and friends like my old life. I wonder what it was like. Was I popular or a nerd. Did I have a boyfriend or crush. Or where all the guys stupid and ugly. I wonder what school was like. Was I smart or dumb. In here I'm pretty smart so I feel like I would pass at school. I wonder how many friends I have or am I loner. I dont know something makes me feel like I lost a lot from my old life. Like this was a big thing and no one had control over it. Maybe we where being forced to do this or did I want it. Maybe it's for a good thing. But with this was really worth it. Everything that happens I like to think I don't want this. These people that put us here are bad and I'm gonna stick with that. Because that's what everyone else thinks but we never know for sure maybe this is some big competition or something that will save the world. Maybe I will never know. What happens if we never get out and I'm an old woman living here. Will I have a family. No, how can you have one in this place too dangerous. I don't even know how I'm still here. For everything I'm surprised I'm sleeping here right now. But I'm thankful that I am. I'm thankful that all the people are still alive. But I just hope Thomas will be and no one els dies. All we need is hope. And I have it.

Thank you so much for 100 reads💙
-Mac🌚 ilyyy ❤️

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