Chapter 41

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That night I didn't sleep. Like usual. I woke up early with Newt Minho and Thomas. We all eat breakfast in silence. I wanted to talk but all the boys seemed weird like they where hiding something. "Well ready to go?" I asked trying to break the silence. "Wait." Thomas said. "We need to talk to you." "What?" I asked putting my hand on my hips. "You are not going into the maze with us." He said standing up. "What!" I exclaimed. "Why?" "Because it's way to dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt with all the people getting stung." He said. "No that's not fair. I'll be carful you'll be with me please don't do this!" I don't know what to say. I was so mad this is crazy. "No it's not safe." He said the other boys standing too. "But I survived this long I'll be fine!" I started to raid my voice. "No I can't lose you." He said looking into my eyes. "Newt." I said looking at him for help. He don't say anything just looked down. "Minho come on." I said desperately looking at him for help. He did that same thing. I looked around at them one last time the ran off. I herd Thomas call my name and say something but I stormed off into the woods. This was so stupid I was beyond mad. I can't believe they didn't back me up. Maybe I'm over reacting but I wanted to help. This was our first real clue and I wanted to help just as much as the next guy. I sat down under a tree with a huff. I twig snapped and I whipped up and saw a figure standing. "Hello." I said. The person came into sight and I saw it was Gally. "Oh what do you want?" I asked not i know the mood to talk. "Oh nothing. Can I sit?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. He came over and sat next to me.

Sorry this is a bit late.

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