Chapter 47

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The one thing right now I really didn't need. Was exactly what was happening. We heard the sound we didn't even have to say it. We knew. Thomas and Newt tried to carry so hard but my knee was too much. I really couldn't even walk. They pushed me more and more I tried to do everything I could to help but it wasn't much. Soon we where closer but so was the noise. We ran and ran faster but it wasn't enough soon we saw the opening and the noise disappeared. We still ran all the way through. We finally came to a stop heavily breathing. "We need to get her to the medjacks." Newt said. They helped me into the room that I have been in too many times. Soon Clint and Jeff who I have became pretty good friends with because of all the time I spent in here. Not just from getting hurt but also for helping sometimes. "Yes it's banged up pretty bad so I think you should stay off of it for now." Jeff said. We all nodded and they left probably feeling the tension in the air. I say there holding my now rapped up knee not wanting to say a word. But of course they could not have just left it alone they had to say something. "Okay why on earth would you do that?!" Thomas asked. "I wanted to prove you that I can go out there." I retorted back. "Well you could have done that another way." He said. "Yea but you never let me go out in the maze so how am I supposed to do that!" I yelled back. So this is what it's like for a sibling rivalry. " I don't want you to get hurt." He said lowering his voice. "I don't need you to protect me." I stated coldly meaning every word. Then walked away. Stumbling a bit with me knee. I heard someone following. I turned around thinking it was Thomas but it wasn't. It was Newt. "Can I talk to you?" He asked me. I nodded slowly not wanting to talk about anything that just went down but went along any way.

Sorry I'm really busy but trying.

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