Chapter 8

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It was early morning I could only see ages people up. Minho and Newt bed are empty. I got up to. I wanted to find Alby so I could get s job. I walked out in the grass and saw him and a few other people standing at the wall opening. Then it opened. It still amazes me how that works. Then the people ran in. Leaving Alby. I ran over to him. "Hello Greenie your up early," he said. "Yea I just wanted to get started on my jobs," I said not looking at him but past him into the walls. "Okay but first lets get some food," he said walking away. I followed him to the dining area. I was starving. I don't have anything to eat all day yesterday. Me and Alby say at a table and slowly more people came to have food too. "You'll be trying out medjack, track hoe, cooking, builders, slicers, and sloppers," he said. Oh sounds hard. "I thought the doors should be closed aren't we in danger of those things," I couldn't Denver the names. "No they only really come out at night," he said. "First I'll have you do cooks," he said. I was lead into the kitchen were I saw a black man working. "Hello I'm frypan," he said holding out a hand. I shock it. "I'm Arden," I said shyly. He taught me the basics and I cooked lunch for everyone and served it to them. It was fun hanging with Frypan he's pretty cool. The closest I have come to a friend. "Hey greenie how was working with Frypan," someone asked me from behind. I whipped around and saw Gally. "Calm down I'm taking you to your next job. Builders and I'm the keeper of them," he said. "Keeper?" I asked. "Like the leader," he answered. I followed him all day. I hated this job. It was tiering and very hard. All Gally would do is boss me around and tell when I did it wrong. I was so happy when I was done to eat dinner. I sat alone. Then Alby joined me. "Not making many friends aye Greenie," he said. "I guess," I said quietly. I was going to finish the rest of the jobs tomorrow or longer. It was getting late but before the doors closed I watched as the same people came out of the doors and ran to get food. On the way I saw who were the runners. The blond haired kid, Minho, and Newt.

Guys if you could do me a favor and follow me. Or give me feed back.

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