Chapter 15

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It was just all to much to handle. That little boy crying. How could they do that. To a little boy. I ran into the forest crying. Now I really hated these people who put us here. I hated how thy put that boy here. I sat next to a tree and heard footsteps. "Hey you okay," I heard someone ask me. I looked up it was Newt. "No. How could they do that to a little boy," I asked looking down. He sighed. "It's sad the youngest we have ever seen. He's bawling won't come out the box," he said sitting next me. "I feel so bad I know how scared I was. It must be worse for him," I said shaking my head. "Well maybe you could help him," Newt said. "Why me," I asked looking at him. "Well your the only girl so you have like a mother figure around here. Maybe he'll feel better with you," Newt said. I nodded slowly. I never thought about me being like their mother. I got up with Newt and went to the boy who was crying in the box. "Hey everyone back up," I yelled. They all looked at me and backed away a little. I went up to the boy and went down in the box. All the bad memories of when I first came here came back. But I ignored them. "Hey," I said quietly. He was shaking and crying. "It's okay I won't hurt you," I said soothingly. He looked at me. I held out my hand. "It's okay," I said one more time. He looked at me and then at my hand. Waited then took it. I lifted him out of the box. He clung onto me with the boys all looking at him. I wrapped my arm around him and walked into the med room. Only me and him. Some boys followed but I turned around and said "no only me and him," they walked away. I went into the room with him. He took a seat with me. "Okay-" I started but he interrupted. "Why am I here why can't I Remember anything what's going on," he started crying again. "Hey it's okay we didn't have our memories either. We don't know who put us here but your safe I promise," I said taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. He stopped crying and leaned into me. I hugged him tightly. "It's okay," I said. It was meant for the boy but I also said it to myself.

If you don't know I also have a OUAT story about Peter Pan. So if you could give that a read that would be nice.
I love you-Michaela🌚

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