Chapter 22

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Some times when I'm out here I feel like I'm being watched. Or like something is going to like pop out. But it never does. But I like it out here. It's nice quiet and peaceful. I like to go out here and clear my head. It nice. One day I was out here just sitting under a tree thinking like usual. Best came out and sat next to me. It's been about a month and a half now that I've been here. "So," Newt said trying to get a conversation going. "So what," I asked. "I dont know just thought I could start a conversation," he said with a chuckle. Causing me a slight laugh. "Well then talk," I said. "Um I made this for you," he said. Holding up a necklace. It was made of some type of leather with a father and few beads on them. The beads were green and blue my favorite colors. "I know it's not much but..." He trailed off. I took it look at it closer. "I love it. Thank you," I said reaching over and hugging him tight. He hugged me back and whispered "I'm glad." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Here I can put it on," he said breaking the silence. I turned and he put it on and I looked at it up close. I really did love it and I loved it even more because Newt gave it to me.

Awe I with Newt would just punch me in the face.

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