Chapter 40

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We all went into the map room. I haven't been in here for a while and it looked different like they where looking through everything. Maybe this is a rally good clue. Thomas, Minho, and me all sat around a table only is left in the room. "Well here it is." Minho said taking out a weird thing. It was like a small fat pipe and it had lights and wires on it. Never seen anything like it. "How did you get it." I asked. They both looked at each other in some weird way. "Well i know it might sound crazy but Thomas here, killed a griver and pulled thing klunk out of it." Minho said. I gasped silently. "You killed a griver?!" I asked/ yelled. "Yea but obviously I'm fine." He said putting his hands up in defense. "How?" I asked calming down. "I crushed it between walls." He said smirking a little casing me to smile. "Well what does it do?" I asked. With this thing who know what it can do it looks about as helpful as anything. "I dont know but look." Minho said. We all gathered around him and looked at it. It had a number on it. 7. Also a sticker that has the W.I.C.K.D sticker on it. "It's the same one we get our food and supplies from." Minho said. "So the same people who are helping us, are trying to kill us?" I asked. They both nodded slightly. "Well this is a twist." I said running a hand through my hair. "It may be but it also the first real clue. I think this could really help us." Thomas said. "So what do we do?" Minho asked him. "I say we go out into the axe tomorrow and investigate more." He said we all looked around then nodded in a agreement.


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