Chapter 7

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Everyone was going to their bed. I was slowly starting to walk back myself. But I wanted to know what that horrible sound was. That will forever be in my mind haunting me. I got to my bed and saw I was sleeping next to Minho that guy that came out of the maze. And the guy who followed me into the woods! That stalker great I get to sleep next to him. I think his name was Newt or something. I wanted to know what that sound was and I could not find Alby so I asked Minho. I walked over to him. "What was that sound," I asked. "What," he said. "That sound I just heard it what was it," I said a little louder. He sighed. "Sit down," he said so I did on my bed. He then explained the grivers. Horrible beast they sound. And he has to put up with them everyday in the maze. What they do to you. I couldn't even imagine. How it must feel how they must look this place just keeps getting worse by the second. But I was still happy I knew my name. And I beat that Gally kid at his own game. Ha! "You don't have to worry though the doors close so they can't get in. So your safe and we will protect you," he said smirking. I smiled. "Oh thanks I feel better already," I said. Walking to my bed and laying in it. I feel asleep and had the worse dream or nightmare. All I saw was black then light the black again. I heard screaming and footsteps running. It was spinning and running. I had no idea what was going on. Then I heard a piercing scream or sound them woke up with a jump.

Late update again. 👍👍 I suck.

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