Chapter 18

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I woke up with a jump. I was in a room. The room I woke up in when I first came here. I instantly jumped up remembering what just happened. I needed to find Chuck that poor boy crying down there. I couldn't stand it. But before I could even get out the door someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into a weird hug. "Shhh," someone whispered in my ear. "We're Chuck I need to see Chuck," I said squirming but not that much because I felt tired. "He's okay you need to stop," the person said. Then he pulled me around so I was facing him. It was Newt. "What's going on," I asked grabbing onto his shirt. "You just feel asleep." He said holding me. "Where's Chuck," I asked. He sighed. "In the slammer," he said looking down. I jumped up and ran out the door. Running towards the slammer. I was about half way there when I felt really tired. My legs felt heavy and my breathing was unsteady. I feel. I could wen help it. It just happened. "Arden," Newt screamed then came running and picked me up. "I need to see Chuck," I said weakly. He picked me up and started walking towards the slammer. I felt tired and weird but I wanted to see Chuck. He set me down next to a cell and I looked into the hole. "Chuck," I gasped at the boy in the corner. He looked up and immediately perked up and ran to the bars. I took his hand in between the bars. "It's okay Chuck you'll be okay," I said squeezing his hand. "Why is he in there," I asked looking to Newt. "He over reacted about the noise," he replied. I scoffed. "Let him out," I said demanding. "Not until tomorrow morning." He said. "Then I'm not leaving here until he is let out," I said looking back at Chuck. Newt sighed and I heard him sit down. "Chuck i know staying with you all night," I said still holding his hand. He nodded. "So everyone how was your day going," I asked trying to start a conversation. I heard Newt laugh a small laugh behind me and I saw Chuck smile.

I dont know what this is.

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