"i know this girl"

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3rd Person

Just when Hoseok was starting to lose hope, the universe reminded him just why it was so important  not to.

He didn't expect to see Haven. He didn't think she was a chef. She was a soft natured woman. He thought that she was the type to work in a book store, something quiet and simple where she didn't have to move around much.

It was funny to think of her as a shy little thing organizing books. Imagine if one day she happened to skim past a erotic story, her cheeks would heat up and she would be the type to sneak the book in her bag and take it back home to read over.

Hoseok was upset though. Because instead of getting up to speak to her, he let her pass him by. And now chances of him seeing her again were skimmed down to him seeing her at her job.

He didn't want to come off as a creep that always popped up at her work place. But anything to see her again. He was willing to do anything.

"I can't believe that it was her." Hoseok said, shaking his head as he pulled out a cigarette. He and Namjoon were walking back to the hotel. Namjoon had some work to do and hoseok had some writing to attempt.

"Why is it so surprising? She lives in Manhattan and you're in the city. It was possible." Namjoon said.

"You sound upset." Hoseok teased. He knew that Namjoon was the type of person that didn't do sarcasm or excitement. He was like a stone. Always so serious and hardly ever goofing around.

Although nothing about what hoseok was saying was goofy, it was still something.

He wasn't looking for Namjoon's approval or input but it would be nice to hear that his friend cared about him coming across the woman he found interest in.

"I'm not upset. I just don't understand your logic here." Namjoon said, sticking his hand into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

Hoseok scoffed and took a drag from his cigarette. Namjoon never failed to kill the mood.

Namjoon typed away on his phone. Truth is, he was behaving a little hostile only because he hadn't yet come clean to hoseok about having sex with Haven.

Of course he hadn't. He was starting to believe that hoseok had let the thought of her go but he should've known better.

Once hoseok had his eyes on a woman he didn't just forget about her. He would think about her, write about her. Even when distracted by someone else, he still thought about his little fixation.

It was never something to be called an obsessed per say. But it was along the lines of one.

Namjoon connected that trait to Hoseok's adhd and just went on about his day. He was either highly concentrated or extremely uninterested. There was no in between.

"Do you want to get breakfast again tomorrow?" Hoseok questions, not wanting for things to be weird or silent between them.

Namjoon clicked his tongue. "That's if we'll have time to. Your schedule is under construction. You might be a little busy."

Hoseok didn't respond.

"The only reason you want to have breakfast with me is because your little girlfriend is working at that cafe." Namjoon said.

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