4. unappreciated goodbyes

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Y/n pov

No... No no no no no this is not happening right? I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I held the bracelet in my hand, looking down to it with teary eyes. Right now I cared about nothing but that little piece of jewelry. I finally looked up, tears finally leaving my eyes and said "You broke it... Why would you do that".... " Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to" He replied, slightly concerned. "Do you even know how much this is worth? How much this ment to me?....... " I don't y/n but just tell me I will just pay for it or get a new one for you it's no big deal. Please forgive me" Saying that he was about to take it from me but I pulled it back to myself, losing all my cool. "YOU CAN'T FUCKING PAY FOR IT IT'S PRICELESS... MY DAD DESIGNED IT FOR ME BEFORE HE DIED.....it might be a worthless piece of jewelry to you but me? In my eyes it's my life, my dad's life....... Now you know everything, every fucking thing you wanted to know don't you?......... Was this a prank as well? " I said it, finally the words that had to come out did. Jungkook stood there, speechless, eyes wide open and mouth parted from the sudden shockwave. "Y/n... I" That's all he could say. "Im moving away" I said, wiping my eyes. Now he stood there, much more shocked. "Which neighborhood? Of which city?" No breaking eye contact, he spoke. "Jungkook I'm moving away to England in 3 days. This is exactly the reason why I didn't speak to you. And now that you broke the only thing I was living for... Might as well just die."

Jk pov

Am I in a dream.... Wait let me rephrase that.... Am I in a nightmare? this was my first time seeing y/n cry. "For how long are you going y/n? When will I meet you again? " I asked With my eyes glazing with tears. "I KNOW OK?! YOU NEVER KNOW IF I MIGHT BE LEAVING FOREVER." she said. I could feel her broken heart. "also I'm not asking you...im telling you...I don't have a choice." and with that she left. I felt my knees weaken, my world crashed.... right now, I wanted to cry but the tears never came out. I felt like someone repeatedly stabbed my heart......a few moments later, I came back to my senses and tried looking for her...I searched the whole school but failed to find her..... And that was the last time I saw her.

y/n pov

As I was running down, I had eyes all over me, I didn't care. I ran back home straight to my room with the least fucks given by me. I never wanted to tell him this but had no other choice. " y/n why are you home so soon? shouldn't you be in school right now?...did something happen? you should be enjoying your last day of high school" my mom said from outside the room..... a bit concerned. "mom can I just be alone for sometime?" my voice cracked a bit...not wanting to answer her. "alright sweetie just call me if you want to talk ok?" Yes mom tank you"..... "Also baby start packing your bags, well be leaving day after tomorrow... Goodnight" With that she left.



So this will be the end of the high school flashback and the story will continue from where we left it in chapter 1. Anyways enjoy reading and dont forget to comment


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