21. back home

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(End of flashback, y/n pov)

I ran to him and put my arms around his shoulder and wrapped my legs around his waist, inhaling his signature scent which felt like a burst of vanilla mixed with a tiny bit of lavender shampoo. he took me in his arms, huge and welcoming and burried his head in the crook of my neck.

A few loving moments of staying in that position until he finally put me down which was unfortunate but had to happen. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you prick?! you never answered my calls or my texts; no sign whatsoever of you on social media, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HUH?!!" I yelled, seeing him laugh at my face. "calm little anaconda im sorry." he said in his deep british accent and butter smooth voice. it was hard to stay mad at someone who's presence screamed 'dont worry darling i am the one who is going to reassure u when you're at your lowest'. i just smiled and hugged him again until beom came back and he saw the both of us. he already knew George so he too, went up to him and did that handshake guys do. 

So a little backstory...George is my best friend, soulmate to be more accurate. Back when i used to stay here for my university, i was quite lonely as most of the students were third or fourth year people, but then i met 'myself as a guy', he too was a lonely soul and a first year like me. he came up to me and just like that we just started talking and as time flew by, we came closer. he was the one to help me through my depression and he was the one who treated me like a queen when my entire life i had never known what a throne was. i trusted him with my soul and he respected it so much. 

"So what are you doing back here?" he asked, as we strolled around the park. Beomgyu had gone back to mom. it had been a week since mom was discharged and it was time we went back home to korea. i told george about what had happened in my life ever since i had gone back and how shit it had been ever since he left my side. i told him about jungkook and how he was my neighbour now. "im going back today evening". he looked over to me with a curious expression and asked "is it today's 9 pm flight? cuz i am moving to korea in a few months and i need to look for an apartment, which is why i too am going to korea today"... i halted my steps and looked at him in utter disbelief "do you not think this shit is important enough to talk to with your fucking BEST FRIEND who maybe could've helped you????" i huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. he had a cheeky smile on his face and avoided eye contact. 

further talking about this topic concluded that we actually were on the same plane back to korea. after a lot of convincing, i asked for him to stay at my apartment until he found himself one. i offered for him to stay at my place for the rest of his life but he denied and said that he dosent want to be a burden and all that shit so i too did not bother forcing him. mom still was going to stay here as she had a lot of work to do. so at the end, george, beomgyu and i packed our bags and set our journey back home.



hey guys i am speechless  goodnight (goodmorning, goodevening, goodafternoon wherever you are from)  


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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