11. hopes

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Jk pov

I wake up to the sound of the door bell ringing. Getting up and finding my brain, I go and open the door. I see beomgyu looking really tired. He just said "hello jk sunbaenim" And got in and just fell on the sofa. "Are you ok? " I ask a bit concerned. "Ye just tired" He said taking off his shoes and closing. "Practice? " I asked and he just hummed in response. I just went in the room again and saw y/n working on some files.

She looked at me and went - "someone finally decided to wake up

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She looked at me and went - "someone finally decided to wake up..... Did beom come home? " I replied "ye he did but he's really tired he looks a bit sick plz check him... Also are all the files up again? " I asked not understanding a single letter on her screen. " Almost but the main and most important part of the sim is destroyed so I'll have to get that fixed. Do you have another phone which I can put the sim in? " She asked looking at the sim "I don't know I'll have to check"

She typed something and then got up, not turning off her computer. She streched and i heard her back cracking a bit. "Oh my god how long have you been sitting? " I asked looking at her, surprised "since I started working idiot" She said cracking her fingers. Walking out of the room y/n called out for beomgyu.

"Beom? " She asked gently patting his shoulders trying to wake him up. "Lemme sleep please." He said. His face was pretty red like when you have a fever. She touched his forehead and then cheeks. "Beom you have a fever" Y/n stated still trying to wake him up. He then sat up straight and looked at y/n "what so you want me to do mom?" He said sarcastically. I smiled at their perfect relationship of siblings. "Get up you dickwad. I'll give you medicine and then sleep in my room.... Did you eat?" She said slapping his shoulder twise lightly indicating him to get up. "I did and then I ate a whole tub of ice cream plus stole kai's too" He said and i laughed a bit at his statement. "Karma is a bitch isn't it?" Y/n said going to her room followed by beomgyu then me.

After eating his medicine beomgyu went to sleep. Just beside where I was. Y/n was folding the blanket when my stomach gurgled loud enough for her to hear. She looked up at me and started to laugh. I just wasn't embarrassed for some reason. We both were laughing together. "If you guys are done flirting you can leave" Beomgyu said suddenly out of nowhere. Clearing my throat I leave the room and so does y/n.

"Wouldn't be surprised if you told me you were hungry" She said, looking through the fridge. "Oh ya by the way where is everyone?" I ask looking around. She replied "everyone went to have lunch. They told me to let you sleep cause you were really tired. Jimin also didn't go he's sleeping in your house. Everyone was tired" I just hummed in response and sat down on the kitchen counter as I saw y/n make some kimchi and rice. "Smells great" I said getting distracted from the aroma of the kimchi. "Thanks" She replied and tossed some rice in the pan and added some spices and soy sauce to it. "Take some for jimin too later, he hasent eaten.... Here" She handed me and plate with kimchi and fried rice.

Cleaning the cooking area, she asked me "there's some leftover fried chicken... Do you want some?" And I reply "mm sure". She put the chicken in the oven and let it set for about 30 seconds. But then she put the kimchi in a container. " Aren't you gonna eat?" I ask as she walked over to the oven as the chicken was done. "I'm not that hungry and also I had some cookies earlier. I'll eat later." She said making sure I'm not too worried. "You should really look after your daily diet you know?" I said looking at her but she knows exactly how to piss me off so she just salutes and bows down to me. I stick up my middle finger and she just laughs and went to her room before saying "do the dishes later they're not much." And with that she leaves

After eating and doing the dishes I go into her room and see the cutest sight in the history of best sibling relationships. There was a bowl with ice in it and y/n was holding a wet cloth and putting it on beomgyu's forehead. I simply smile at both of them and sit at the edge of the bed. "Is yujin a YouTuber?" She asked out of nowhere. "Yea... Why? She has a couple million followers on both YT and insta.... But does that matter?" I reply confused on what she might be thinking. "Ok so listen carefully. I might have hacked into her account and I saw the deleted files of her chanel. It was posted yesterday 1:26 a.m. which means in the middle of the night after she went missing . She looked like she was suffering but that's not the point... In the video she said 'do you like riddles? Here's one if you do. I want to study in sinchon university and eat street food... Come find me.' Only some letters of the riddle were written in a different font And if you re-arrange those,it will read - 'sinchon university street' and then 'come find me'. And the back of her finger read 'SOS' in very small and brown letters so that it's almost unnoticeable. Also the camera quality was different than her other vlogs so obviously it wasn't her camera from which she was shooting this and she looked behind her basically every second. This was deleted just 3 minutes after it was posted.............I don't know how I found this out but I did."



Is y/n gonna become a detective next? Stay tuned to find out.


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