18. Abroad

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"Hey beom what's up?" I spoke up as I hear panting on the other side " Y/n.....mom.....just ... *heavy panting* just... Mom went to a business trip to the UK and... "  He said as my heartbeat rose and panick flowed through my veins "and what choi beomgyu speak up" My guts clenching... I could hear him panicking too "y/n mom's plane crashed... Just hurry" My heart dropped into my stomach, knees weakening.... " Beom please tell me this is not a joke cuz it's not funny" Tears were not able to flow out my eyes. "It's fucking not just pack your bags and meet me at the airport in ten minutes at gate 7, I'll be waiting just please hurry up"  He was crying... Really badly "y/n I'm scared please be quick I don't wanna be alone" .... "Hang in there beom don't worry I'm here I'll be there as soon as possible ok? Dont worry"

Not wasting another second I dashed out the door and went straight to my closet and grabbed my cloths and luggage. I didn't care about all the members yelling and asking me what the hell is going on. I was about to leave when jk caught my wrist and asked "y/n will you please just tell me what on earth is going on?" His grip on my wrist got tighter " I really don't have time to explain I need to go" I said trying to free myself. "Not before you tell me it'll just take a second"

Tears finally trickled down my cheeks. His lips slightly parted, worry washing all over. He bought me in his arms, a warm and tight hug "mom is in the hospital... She went on a business trip and her plane crashed" I finally spoke out taking breaths in between almost every word, my grip getting harder on the back of his shirt, tears soaking his shoulders "what?! ...... Ok let's not make a fuss about it... Auntys gonna be fine you know that... Where do i need to drop u?" He spoke wiping my tears with his warm hands. "Nowhere I'll go on my own".

Jk pov
  I didn't stop her from going on her own cuz I know if I force her to go with me she'll breakdown. "Alright do you want to take my car?" I asked with her still in my embrace, she nodded in response. Letting go of the hug, she wiped her tears. "Be careful ok? Don't do anything stupid... Is beomgyu coming with you? " I said, she nodded and went down the stairs afer taking the car keys from me. Me and a the others were worrying for her.

This girl has really been through alot... First in highschool, dealing with me bullying her (which I'm guilty of) then her dad passing away, depression, moving abroad, coming back, finding a job, helping yujin, these rumors and now this. Damn I could never.

Y/n pov
I reached the airport at gate seven and saw beomgyu in the corner, dressed in all black and wearing a mask, his eyes were swollen red and tears were still flowing out. I ran up to him when he noticed me and got up and hugged me and started crying even heavier. "Shh it's gonna be fine... Mom's strong isn't she? Right?" I said, gently brushing his hair with my fingers and and biting my lip and forcing myself to prevent crying. He nodded in responce. Right then the announcement for our plane was made. We rushed to the gate and got in.



Look who it is!! The author who abandoned her story and popped out of nowhere with another misery in y/n's life WOOHOO!!!! BRAVO!.... (embarrassment level - ♾️)... Kimavahi express is back in business my little glowworms yes!


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