03 ; you are a simp

311 12 1

Yangyang slammed his hands on the lunch table. "Alright. Who would you suck off for a million dollars: Ten or Dejun."

"Hey!" Dejun had looked up at the mention of his name. "Stop."

Meanwhile, Sicheng rolled his eyes at the boy. "You're asking me to suck off the two horniest bottoms in our friend group. Yeah right."

Yangyang scoffed. "Fine. Fuck, marry, kill: Sicheng, Kun, Dejun."

"Easy." Kunhang said, leaning back. "Fuck Sicheng because he doesn't deserve to die, marry Kun because then I can fuck him multiple times, and kill Dejun because I have no use for him."

"Hey!" Dejun yelled.

Kun raised an eyebrow. "Question: why does everyone in this friend group want to fuck me?"

Renjun spoke up next. "Easy. You probably have the biggest dick in this group."

"I thought that was Lucas."

"No, it's—" Ten paused. "No, wait, you have a point there. They might be tied."

Chenle wasn't engaging in The Middle School Debate Team date for the day. He was just staring at the message that Jaemin had sent him, which had ended their conversation.

He already had.

Why was he making this so difficult for himself? He had an entire message drafted out to Jisung, but had not pressed send. It needed some work.


"I'm not interested in your dick debate." The words were normal coming off his tongue, but his tone wasn't its usual bubbly one. He hadn't realized it, but his sadness from before was creeping in. He hoped nobody noticed, but it was Chenle. Chenle was never sad. Angry, maybe. But not sad.

Lucas frowned. "Le, you alright?"

He turned off his phone, already noticing Ten creeping towards him in an attempt to see what was on the screen. "Yep. Peachy."

"Is this about... him?" Renjun whispered, eyes darting in the direction of the Dreamies table. The whole Dream movement was sort of at a halt at the moment due to this... situation. Chenle had resorted to hanging out with WayV due to the tension, and Renjun was alternating between each group.

What was Chenle supposed to answer with? The truth? Oh yeah, I'm just thinking about how I refuse to apologize to my best friend because I'm scared of commitment. The last he'd seen, Jisung still liked him. And Jaemin still sort of hated him.

By now, the amount of time that he'd been thinking about this was enough time for another question to blossom. "Do you..." It was Kun's voice this time, regressing into it's soothing tone, "...not want to talk about it?"

Chenle froze up again. He held his mouth open this time, still unsure of how to answer. He did need to talk about it, but he didn't exactly know who. Sure, he'd talked to Jaemin, but he had just made him feel even worse. He settled on one sentence, words coming out softer than he thought they could ever have.

"I need to apologize face-to-face."

It was a no-brainer. You don't just reject someone, punch them in the face, ruin your friendship and then send them some half-assed sorry I punched you pls forgive me? that doesn't even sound genuine because it's social media.

The look on Ten's face seemed as though he would press further, but Renjun held him back, shaking his head slowly. "Give him a second."

Chenle appreciated the gesture, quickly excusing himself from the table. He headed off to one of the bathrooms, splashing his face with water before staring at his DMs.


you already kind of have • 1d

active 3h ago

h u a n g r e n j u n
active yesterday

ten out of 🔟
loosing my mind hours • 2d

andy park jisung 🫡
alright i'll be there! • 1w


It had already been a week since their meeting. Only a week.

Chenle huffed, opening the door to the bathroom and heading towards the library. He already knew that Kun would grab his lunch for him, and he really needed the space.


phone numbers don't exist here okay it's all insta dms

i'm sorry the chapters are depressing we'll get happy soon

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