24 ; you are not the greatest

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Chenle was still recovering from the secondhand sickness (that was his fault, thankfully Jeno hadn't caught it after hanging out with him and Jisung) by the time he went back to school. He took a seat at the WayV– or TMSDT, in this case– table, finding that everyone was already seated there waiting.

"Oh, look who it is." A grin started to spread over Ten's face. That didn't look good. "The guy who got sick because he made out with his sick boyfriend."

"Shut up," Chenle croaked, clearing his throat the moment the words left his mouth. "It's not my fault."

"Not your fault?" Renjun rolled his eyes. "Really, what else did you expect to happen if you did that?"

"If it helps, things got cut short by my brother. Again."

"Again?" Dejun's eyes widened. "How does that fucking help?"

Chenle shrugged, fishing a container out of his lunch bag. "I don't know? Maybe I would get more sick?"

"That's actually a decent TMSDT topic. Would you kiss your boyfriend– or girlfriend, because Kun– when they're sick?" Yangyang asked, glaring at Kun subtly.

Kun groaned. "I'm not the only one sitting here who likes girls."

"Yeah, but you've dated one."

"There are layers to this, though. A disclaimer, if you may," Kunhang started. "Chenle, did Jisung ask you to kiss him, or did you just do it?"

Chenle blushed. "He told me I shouldn't but I obviously didn't listen to that."

"Okay. In that context..." Kunhang squinted across the table at Yangyang, who looked at him hopefully. "I probably wouldn't."

"Neither would I," Yangyang sighed.

Everyone around the table (minus Renjun) basically just said that they wouldn't, which left Chenle on his own. What, how was he supposed to explain that he found out that his boyfriend could kiss a week ago?

Eventually, the question made its way to Renjun, who actually tapped his chin in thought before he answered. "It... it depends on the person."

Oohs resounded around the table. Lucas, who was seated closest to Renjun (Chenle being on his other side), poked the younger in the cheek. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." Renjun promptly blushed.

"Yeah, nothing," Sicheng chuckled. "I guess it's less a question of what and more who."


"Oh, come on," Ten huffed. "You don't have to have a specific person, just a type of person. You'd only say nobody if you had someone in mind."

"Shut up."

Chenle laughed at Renjun's weak response. "I have to admit, you aren't the greatest at lying. Now, I wouldn't want to pry, but I kind of have to."

Renjun turned to Chenle. "Why?"

"Umm..." Chenle trailed off, eyes darting everywhere but at Renjun. He could see Jisung standing up from the Dreamies' table, needing to walk past TMSDT to get to the trash. Chenle utilized this opportunity, holding onto Jisung's hand as he passed to get the younger's attention.

"Baby," Chenle said, voice way too sugary. "Let me help you with that, darling."

Jisung stared at the napkin in his hand before shrugging, pulling Chenle up so that they would walk to the trash can together(?). He waited until they were far enough from TMSDT before he asked a question. "What was that all about?"

"I almost let the existence of the RenHyuck groupchat be known to Renjun." Chenle took a deep breath. "With the way Renjun has been complaining about wanting to be in a relationship, I'm surprised that Donghyuck hasn't made any moves yet."

"I'm just going to ignore the layers that has and deal with it later." Jisung and Chenle reached the trash can, and the former quickly threw his napkin inside. "Anyways, do you want to go to the amusement park on Saturday? I got two tickets and–"

Chenle went for a peck. Whoops...? "Yes, totally. Now how do I explain why I need to know who Renjun would kiss?"

𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗥𝗘. ❥ chenji.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang