22 ; you are in need of help

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"Where's Jisung?"

"He didn't tell you?" Jeno was the only person at the table who didn't gag at the fact that Chenle immediately mentioned his boyfriend when he sat down. "He's sick."

"Sick?" Chenle didn't intend to be so loud, and he especially didn't intend for Renjun to start snickering at him. "That dumbass is SICK?"

Jaemin rolled her eyes. "Chenle, please. We've all been there, done that."

Chenle sighed, slamming his lunch bag on the table. Hey, he missed his boyfriend a lot, having not seen him over the weekend, despite them living five minutes away from each other. He figured he could drop by after school, leaving the Jisung conversation there.


Chenle entered Jisung's bedroom quietly. The latter was awake, a towel folded up and resting on his forehead. He had an empty bowl on his bedside table, and Chenle sighed when Jisung looked at him. "You idiot."

Jisung chuckled before breaking into a coughing fit. "Leave me alone."

"How did you even get sick?"

Jisung shrugged. Chenle only sighed again, placing down his backpack before he crawled onto the bed. He didn't stop there, however, crawling on top of Jisung and hovering above the younger.

"What are you do–"

Chenle kissed Jisung on the lips, not caring about the fact that the latter was sick as he shoved his tongue down his throat. Jisung, however, pushed back against Chenle's chest.

"You're going to get sick," Jisung muttered.

Chenle nodded, toying with Jisung's hair. "I know. And I don't care. If I do, then you'll visit me like I am now, right?"

"That is if I'm not sick."

Shrugging, Chenle pulled Jisung in for another kiss. He hadn't been able to get Jisung pinning him against the door, and he was still curious of how things would have played out if Zhiyuan wasn't there.

"Jisung." Chenle pulled away from the younger. "When did you learn to kiss?"

"Um." Jisung's face started heating up, scratching the back of his neck. "Um."

Chenle narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me that you made out with your arm or something."

"Oh, no." Jisung scrunched up his face, turning away for a moment to cough. "Ahem. You were kind of... my first kiss."

"You're joking."

"I wish...?" Jisung chuckled, a thought coming to mind. "What, are you complaining?"

"Oh, no." Chenle pulled the younger in again, loosing track of time.


"Zhong Chenle!"

Chenle rubbed his eyes at the call of his name, squinting at the doorway to see Zhiyuan standing there. "Why are you here?" His voice was still a little raspy, having just fallen asleep. Jisung stirred in his arms, neck craning to see who was at the door as well.

"Oh, hi Zhiyuan." Jisung waved slowly, still recovering from waking up. "How goes it?"

Zhiyuan snorted, but waved politely. "Aren't you going to make Chenle sick?"

"I told him that." Jisung turned away to cough for a second before he turned back to the door. "He doesn't care, apparently."

As if to prove that he still stood by that, Chenle kissed Jisung before turning back to his brother. "I really don't. If I miss a day of school, then good for me."

"Oh god." Zhiyuan rolled his eyes. "Since I doubt that Ma's gonna let you in the house after being around this dying mess– no offense– I'll reason with her to let you stay here."

"Thank you!" Chenle blew a kiss to Zhiyuan (who rolled his eyes again as his default response before closing the door) before flipping over to look at Jisung again.

"You're really pretty, Le."

"Am I?"

"Really pretty."

"Oh." Chenle didn't mean for the sudden words to affect him out of nowhere, so he prompty blushed and slapped Jisung on the shoulder. "Oh."

"Are you complai–?"

"Shut up!"


THE RETURN OF ZHONG ZHIYUAN!! i love that man do y'all like him?

thinking abt how chittlovebot mentioned how much better chenji were when jisung though chenle was the prettiest, so this will not be the last of that!!

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