17 ; you are imagining things

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Chenle was enjoying his lunch at the WayV table (without Renjun, who apparently had a student council thing to take care of), finally having stopped casting looks in Jisung's direction, when he realized it.

He placed his sandwich down, eyes going wide. The conversation around the table continued, but tapered off when Ten asked Chenle a question.

"Chenle, what do you..." Ten trailed off, squinting at the younger. "Are you okay?"

"I think he's overheating," Kunhang commented.

Lucas waved a hand in front of Chenle's face, but the latter didn't even blink. The former changed his focus, instead knocking on his head. "Is anyone there?"

"Ow, yes," Chenle groaned, rubbing the spot where Lucas had knocked. Seriously, he needed to figure out how to control his strength.

Lucas completely ignored the glare Chenle was sending him, instead turning to the rest of the table with a bright smile on his face. "He's fine," he said proudly, as though he'd done something.

"Ten, your boyfriend is an idiot."

"Trust me, I know." Ten linked arms with Lucas, leaning into the younger. "He's a dumb, stupid, loud, very loveable idiot."

Dejun scoffed, but didn't say anything more. Chenle glanced in his direction for a moment before finally letting his hand drop. "And, no, I'm not fine."

Kun sighed, leaning back in his seat. "Don't tell me this has to do with the second confession."

"I never told you guys about that." Chenle's eyes widened again. "I just got added to the operation group chat. You never even... knew anything about that."

Sicheng swallowed, eyes also wide. "You didn't?"

Yangyang didn't swallow. "We don't?"

Glancing at each of his friends for a second, Chenle felt his eyebrows furrow. "I didn't. You don't."

Suddenly, Ten scrambled up from the table, lunch bag in hand. "I-I just remembered that I had something to take care of for student council."

"You're not in student council."

"Yukhei, baby, I love you and all, but now is not the time." Ten pulled up the younger (with strength Chenle wished he had) and they started towards the cafeteria doors.

Every time Chenle opened his mouth, even if it was to take a bite of food, another WayV table regular had some excuse. Eventually, it was just him and Dejun left.

"You guys know?" he asked the older, figuring he was his last hope.

"No. Know what?" Dejun was slowly standing up. "We literally don't even know what you're talking about, Chenle. You've just brought this up out of nowhere."

"Firstly, who's "we", and secondly, are you gaslighting me?"

"Gaslighting?" Dejun clutched his chest, feigning shock. He should really be in the Fine Arts sector. "Me? I don't even know what that word means. You're imagining things, Chenle."

Chenle wasn't able to protest before the older had sped away from the table, leaving him on his own. He spared another glance to the Dreamies, figuring that he could probably bother Renjun about this.

He walked over, slamming his hand down while standing between Renjun and Donghyuck. He could hear the Korean male muttering, "way to cockblock", but he could care less about the unrequited crush Donghyuck has. "Renjun, care to tell me why WayV know where Jisung and I went two days ago? And don't even try to lie, because I at least got to that part of the group chat."

Renjun opened and closed his mouth for a moment, seeming to decide something in his head. "In my defense, it wasn't even my idea! It was Ten's! And we only made the plan because Jaemin told us that you like– liked?– Jisung!"

"He wasn't supposed to know that!" Jaemin nearly shrieked (while covering Jisung's ears, she has a child to protect). "I promised to not tell anyone! Not even Jeno!"

"Wow, Jaemin." Chenle crossed his arms. "How dare you."

"It... was an accident?"

Chenle's folded his arms tighter.

Jaemin sighed. "I had a couple together, and none of us were waiting another however many years for you to build up the courage to do anything."

"But it didn't take years."

"We'd know if you told us how it went," Jeno piped up. "Jisung hasn't said a word."

"Yeah, Chenle." Donghyuck looked up at the older, batting his eyelashes. "Tell us your secrets to relationship sucess."

"No." The Chinese male did a quick survey of the table. "Where's Mark?"

Renjun crossed his arms now, mocking Chenle. "Making out with his boyfriend. Now tell us."

"Guys, I can still hear you."

"No you can't, Jisung."

Chenle eventually went back to his table, figuring he might as well leave the details to only him and Jisung. After all, he doesn't want to explain the fact that has been bothering him the entire day. The same fact he'd remembered before confronting WayV. Kun had been right; it was about the second confession.

He and Jisung still weren't dating.


HAHAHA anyways thinking about how whenever i write the 6 books before this one i'll technically be using the wrong pronouns for my king jaem <3 i actually love her but that's just how it is

𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗔𝗥𝗘. ❥ chenji.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora