Chapter 8

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Wow it's been nearly 3 whole years since I last updated, well let's try to get back into this.

Harry's P.O.V.

The Room of Requirement has turned into a library as and I have a pile of books stacked on the table as I read vigorously through them all of them having to do with mind manipulating potion.  Suddenly I hear a loud pounding on the door, and the RoR lets me know that it's Hermione and Ginny. I tell the RoR to open the doors and Hermione huffs inside with Ginny trailing behind her. "Harry" Hermione says quite annoyed. I look at her and instantly my abilities begin to work and what I had suspected was true. I ignore that for now since Hermione seems upset. "Yes Hermione?, How may I help you?" She looks at me and takes a deep breath. "We need to talk" "What about" I respond with caution hoping that her words won't hurt me even more. " I no longer wish to be friends with you." I feel a tight pain in my chest and the words strike me but Hermione continues to speak. " If you can't accept the fact that Ron and I are together and want to keep yourself locked in here 'training' then don't bother coming back because I don't want to be friends with someone who won't be there to support my choices in life." I can tell that there's a part of her that doesn't believe a single word she is saying. I keep direct eye contact with her and begin to speak. " Alright Hermione if that is how you truly feel, I apologize, but if you could come over and take a seat with me so you can let me know how you came up to this conclusion. If I remember correctly I told you a few hours ago that I wish nothing but the best for you and Ron, last time I checked that is what support looks like." With a huff Hermione takes a seat and I begin to use my speechless abilities to break through the potion that has been placed in her system. Just as she reaches the seat she passes out. Ginny gasps and I conjure a goblet of water. "Give this to Hermione please Ginny." Without hesitation she nods her head taking the goblet from my hands and bringing it to Hermione's lips. "Seems like Hermione here has been infected with hatred and lust potions. One directed towards me and one towards your brother, I am sure that you can figure out which one is which?" Ginny nods. "This doesn't change how she feels because she does love Ron and truly wishes to be with him but, I think that you and I both know that Hermione is not one for public displays of affection." Ginny nods and responds " Don't kid yourself Harry she doesn't hate you, I hope you know that." I nod although with the way she has spoken today it was difficult to believe. As Ginny continues to bring the water to Hermione's lips I begin to summon the few drops of potion left in her system into a vial to bring to Dumbledore for further study. Ginny spoke up " You really love her don't you?"  I nod tears coming to my eyes. "For a while now, I'm not even really sure when it started it was just a matter of suddenly realizing." Ginny smiles at me knowing that she felt the same way about Dean. " So what are you going to do now Harry?" I look down at the ground for a second then back at Ginny with a serious look in my eye. "I'm going to destroy Voldemort."

Sorry had to end it here but I am looking forward to getting back to writing.

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