Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V.

"I'm in love with you too Hermione Granger." I see her wonderful smile cross her lips and my father's words come back to me and he was right Hermione was worth the wait. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear Hermione's voice "What are you thinking about Harry?" A slight worry crossing her face. I grab a hold of her hand. "There are some things that I need to tell you Hermione, I told you before I left that I would explain everything and that time has come." She tightens her grip on her hand and I cradle her face with my free one.

 " After we had our incident." I can tell she's about to protest and apologize I quickly stop her by kissing her briefly. I laugh at the look of shock on her face "I love being able to do that, but moving forward. After we had our incident I decided I would go into training, my mind was in a place where I could just dump all my emotions and focus, I was hurt as you could tell but it was the best choice for me. So I went to Dumbledore who I still need to go to and inform of Tommy's fate but I am sure he has detected the dark magic has died down a fair amount. Anyway I went to Dumbledore and asked him if I could receive a different schedule than everyone else so I could train. He agreed and suggested that I start with trying to become an Animagus." Right on cue Hermione begins speaking. "Harry doesn't that take months of work and concentration." I smirk at her the same smirk I had seen my father give my mother every now and then when I spoke with them. "You tell me Hermione."

 I then close my eyes letting my wolf come out to play. When I open my eyes I look at Hermione and the see the utter shock on her face. Instinctively I seek out my mate, and walk over to her sitting my head on her lap. With a nervous hand Hermione begins petting me and I growl happily in response before shifting back my head still resting on her lap. I shift my head to look at her enjoying the view nicely "Hello" I say with a wink and she just stares in awe so I continue my story. "As you can now see I succeeded quicker than what the textbooks had said was possible. Right after I had my first change is when you and Ron came and spoke to me which ended... Well you already know how that ended so I won't retell it for both of our sakes." She looks grateful and I continue. " I had decided to let my anger out to begin a bit of physical training and after a few hours I noticed that my muscles had grown a significant amount much faster than what a simple workout should have. So I began to think about the magical connection I have always had with Hogwarts and began thinking about the founders.

 The portrait of Godric came up and told me that we were family, and with that an inheritance of powers that I would receive." Once again plastered on the face of my beloved is the look of shock and awe. "The inheritance was in a form of an orb Godric told me in order to receive the gift I would have to touch the orb but that it would be painful but I would receive powers and the memories of my ancestorial lines. I went ahead and did as told and the pain was no lie but I remained as strong as I could knowing that the reward would be worth it to save the Wizarding World. When the pain subsided I noticed that I grown significantly and the pain in my scar was gone. Along with that sets of memories from former Potters and other family members across generations flew into me. Godric informed me of the new abilites that I have including wandless magic, as well as potion and spell detection on anyone along with myself. Also one last ability that he calls partial Animagus." The beauty if front of me looks at me confused as she had never heard the term before so once more decided to demonstrate showing her my fangs while staying in my human form. Returning my teeth back to normal I continue on. "So after I had gained my powers, the room turned itself into the common room with a library and that's when you came into the RoR angry with me telling me that you no longer wanted to... well you know, anyways when I looked at you I saw my abilities working and above your head I saw the words lust and hatred potions. 

When I asked you to further explain yourself I began muttering the spells needed to get the potion out of your system, you passed out and I grabbed the remaining drops of the potions and put them into a vile to later bring to Dumbledore's attention. When you woke up I walked away hoping to give you and Ginny a moment alone." I take a moment to look at her to make sure that I am making sense and she surprises me when she speaks. "I heard you Harry." I heard her mutter. "What did you hear Hermione?" I ask curiosity getting the best of me. "I heard you when you said that I would have a happy future even if it doesn't involve you in it." I sit up and start starching the back of my neck nervously. "Well it's true Hermione I promised myself that I would always protect you no matter the cost even if that cost was my own life. And that actually brings me to the next point in my story. 

"After I had taken out Tommy and dropped him off at the mental ward Godric was calling back to me in mind telling me it was time for us to speak again so I apparated to the RoR once more. Hermione there is something else that happened when I gained my Animagus ability the it's not currently known in any universal form, rather specific to each case it happens in. In my case it is known as imprinting. As you stated earlier that you heard me when I said that you would have a happy future weather I was apart of it or not, and it was a true statement. Hermione I never fought this war for the Wizarding World in all honesty I never chose to be this and you know that I never wanted to be Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived The Chosen One, but weather I liked it or not I had a job to do but I only did the job for you Hermione. As  bad as it may sound I would have just upped and left the Wizarding World once I was told about my foretold fate had it not been for you." Once again I had paused to look at her to make sure I had not been overloading her with all of this. I barely had the chance to look up though before coming in contact with Hermione's lips as she kissed me passionately. "Harry James Potter how did I ever get so lucky to have met you in my life." I chuckled as the blush began to rise to my cheeks.

 "Well I guess you can say it's fate Hermione. Like I was saying Godric told me that part of my Animagus ability was that I had imprinted. He told me that there are special instances where the human form in an Animagus knows in every fiber of their being that they only want to be with one person for the rest of their lives. In those instances like mine their animal counter part also chooses that same person as their mate. So um well I am sorry if you are upset about it but um I have imprinted on you Hermione. You are my mate." I grab ahold of her face once more looking deep into her beautiful orbs waiting for her response. Before she can answer though I hear my father's voice in my head 'Harry son, walk Hermione through the process of becoming the Animagus I promise you won't be disappointed'  Deciding to listen to my father I give Hermione a quick peck on the lips and tell the RoR to change into a Animagus prep room. 

Once again the room transforms into the same woods I had seen days earlier and pull Hermione with me to the clearing. "Hermione love this is going to sound strange but I need you trust me, can you?" She nods so I bring her down to the ground right in front of me. "Were going to meditate and hopefully if I am correct you will also be able to easily achieve Animagus transformation." She looks at me with wide eyes and I grab her hand squeezing it to let her know that I am right here and will stay by her side during the process. "Alright go ahead and close your eyes, without opening your eyes try envisioning the forest around you using your other senses. Like the smell of the trees, the sound of the leaves rustling." Her eyes are closed and I can see a glow start to form around her body.

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