Chapter 7

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 Thank you so much for over 250 readers! Hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Hermione P.O.V.

Thankfully I was able to take my nap. I wake up with fifteen minutes before my next class which is Transfiguration. I decide to head over there early to see if I can start taking notes. As soon as I take a step outside of the common room people instantly start whispering and pointing at me, and for a moment I don't know why I look myself over to make sure I look fine, and realization hits me. I completely forgot others were in the common room when I yelled at Ron about Harry, everyone knows what we did. I feel terrible but I told Ron I wouldn't worry about him anymore so I guess I'm just gonna have to learn how to ignore them. 

The rest of the day is the same everyone keeps on giving me nasty looks, especially during lunch when Ron decided to kiss me in front of everyone, from there on people started whispering even more. Were at dinner know, and people are once again whispering I'm about to say something when Ron passes me a goblet with some pumpkin juice telling me to calm down. I take a sip and I suddenly the whispers  don't bother me and I feel the need to snog Ron so that's exactly what I do. Everyone in the room gasped even a few Slytherins, but I didn't really care. It wasn't until McGonagal, removed 10 points for PDA that I pulled away and my smile went away. I looked around the room and it was as if I was shaken awake I felt stupid again and I ran out the room tears running down my face. I ran to the common room and I knew Ron was gonna be upset, I sat down and waited I think I know a way to change his mind a smile creeps on my face as I start to not care again. Right on cue Ron runs into the common room and before he can say anything I kiss him. I can tell he's surprised but I continue to snog him.

We completely loose track of time and before we know it the common room is being filled with students and they see Ron on the couch me on his lap snogging and touching one another. Instead of whispers we get yelled at. "GET A ROOM!" We break apart and I give Ron one last kiss making sure everyone can see before I head up to my dorm. When I get there I see Ginny glaring at me and I start to cower. "What the hell was that Hermione? I thought you were trying to be considerate of Harry even if he wasn't in the room at the time what if he walked in? What if he decided to go back to the common room for the night? My goodness I don't know what's going on through that brain of yours but whatever it is it's not Hermione that's in control." I look down at my hands I start thinking about how I don't care what Harry feels. "Harry doesn't matter anymore Ginny if he wants to moan around and cry about my rejection then let him! I said yes to Ron not Harry!" Ginny looks at me shocked and to be honest I'm shocked as well I've never even thought about talking about Harry this way before, but I guess it's how I truly feel. Ginny looks at me once again this time she looks worried. "Alright Hermione if that's how to truly feel then so be it. But you'd better be ready to break the friendship off with Harry because I won't have you stringing him along in friendship when you feel so hostile towards him that's the last thing he needs." I look down at the floor thinking once again if this is really what I want and I decide that it is. "I'll do it right now." I say not really sure what I'm going to say when I see him. "I'll go with you someone's going to need someone to talk to afterword." Ginny says with a glare. I nod and we both get up to go see Harry.

Another short one but I'll be writing again soon! Hope Everyone Enjoyed!

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