Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V

She tried teasing me so I would go ahead and make her pay for it with my kisses. After a couple more I reluctantly pull away breathing heavily and catching my breath. I remove Hermione from my lap much to her dislike and chuckle softly. "Hermione I will meet you in the Common Room in a couple of hours. There's some business that I need to take care of." She looks skeptical but I put her worries to ease with one more kiss and make my way out of the RoR. My first stop is to Dumbledore's Office to formally tell him that the War is over and that Tom Riddle will no longer be a threat to the world. As I approach the Gargoyle's I am surprised as they simply move apart without the need for a password of any kind. I make my way up to the Headmaster's Door and knock. Moments later I hear the doors unlocking and they swing open the Headmaster looking over his glasses at what appears to be an old tome. As his eyes meet mine his face breaks into a smile and he stands making his way around his desk. "So what I felt was correct?" I immediately knew what Dumbledore was referring to. Deciding to be forward I make my way over to the Headmaster and wrap him in a hug which he responds to. "Yes Headmaster it is done. The once self proclaiming 'Lord Voldemort' is no more. He is not dead but he will never again be a threat to the muggle or wizarding world." We pull away and I can see that the sparkle in his eyes is shining twice as bright as usual. "Well done Harry, and I must assume that you have finally discovered the powers Hogwarts held for you?" I nodded in response but wondering how Dumbledore knew. "Harry there was more than just the initial prophesy about you. It seems that you and Tom were written into history long ago. There have even been early cave paintings depicting something similar in it's images of some sort of  battle between good and evil. Godric saw this and knew that the light would need help since dark wizards were willing to do things no one else would ever dare to. We thought your father might have been the one to have the final battle. That was until the final prophesy was revealed that the chosen one was yet to be born we knew that it would be you." I nodded in understanding at the words, it made sense that the previous Warrior of The Light would be this involved in helping defeat the next dark dork.

 "Well Headmast-" "Please Harry, you and I have been through so much together there's no need to be so formal." I chuckled briefly before starting again. "Well, grandpa" I laughed once at Dumbledore's bewildered face before continuing. "The Wizarding World has a future, and while I did not complete this mission for them I am glad that I was able to. Now I have one thing to ask of you if it isn't too much of a burden." Dumbledore grinned mischievously at me before speaking "Well, I wouldn't be a very good grandfather if I denied anything to my grandson now would I?" After a brief moment of silence we both broke into laughter at the continued banter. "What is it that you need grandson?" " Well, given that I have found my better half I wish to make it official. I feel that there is no need for dating Hermione as we have known each other since I was 11 years old. With your permission I would like to hold our Wedding Ceremony here. If it is possible I would love if the Grangers would be able to attend as well." I was relived to see him smile and nod. "Of course you can hold it here Harry, when do you plan on making this all happen?" I chuckled nervously at the thought of what I would have to do in the next few minutes. "Well I have to visit two dentists and ask for their blessing first, then we can figure out the rest." I guess Dumbledore could sense my nervousness as he approached me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I am sure that they will be delighted to accept to Harry they would be missing out if they didn't." I responded with a smile before bidding farewell. Once I was outside of his office, I apparated in hopes that all would go well. 

Once I landed I checked my surroundings to make sure that I had not been seen. Seeing that the coast was clear I prayed as I made my way up to the house hoping that Mr. and Mrs. Granger would accept me. I knew that I wasn't good enough for their daughter but truly no one ever would be. I approach the door and with a nervous hand a knock politely. I hear a soft voice saying "I'll get it love." and I am slightly relieved to hear that it is Mrs. Granger who will be opening the door. I make one last attempt at taming my hair to be somewhat presentable but it is to no avail. I hear the locks begin to move and I straighten myself up taking a deep breathe to help settle my nerves. The door opens and there before me is exactly what I would imagine Hermione would look like if she were a bit older, I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear Mrs. Granger's voice. "Hello how may I help you?" I am at a loss of what to say for a moment before I hear Godric's voice in my head 'Take ahold of your Gryffindor Courage Potter'. "Hello Mrs. Granger, my name is Harry Potter." I hold out my hand in hopes that she will take it, to my relief she does. "Ah Harry Potter, so you are the young man whose had a hold our Hermione's heart for so long." I can practically feel my eyes popping out of their sockets. I guess I was actually making an expression because I hear Mrs. Granger giggling before speaking once more. "I think we have a lot to talk about Harry, why don't you come inside?" I slowly nod in bewilderment as she steps aside to welcome me in. She led me into the living room, "Take a seat Harry I'll be right back I need to grab Mr. Granger." I don't think I could have gulped any louder as I heard Mrs. Granger giggle once more. "There's nothing to be scared of Harry, I'm sure that what you have in mind will work out for you." With that she left me behind with my mouth slightly agape. A few moments later, a tall man who you could tell was friendly but not to be messed with entered the room with Mrs. Granger in tow. I stood up as he fully entered the room I extended my hand out to him. "Mr. Granger I assume? Harry Potter sir it is a pleasure to meet you." Once more to my relief the dentist returned my handshake firmly. "Pleasure's all mine Harry. I have been waiting for the day that you would arrive on my doorstep to ask for our little princess' hand in marriage." Once again I gulped loudly this time both Mr. and Mrs. Granger laughing together. 

Sorry it took me a while to get this one out, had a bit of a block. I hope you all had a lovely Easter. Thank you so much for 6k reads it's hard to believe that there are still people interested in this story after I had paused it for a long time. Thank you for those who have been here from the beginning and thank you to those who are new I look forward to continuing the story. Feel free to leave suggestions. 

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