Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

I had to get away that night there's was no way I would want to face Ron when I got back to the dorm. I imagine Hermione explained everything it's just the type of thing she would do. I make my way to the Room of Requirement and think of a bedroom. Soon enough I enter and lay down on the bed to think about what's happened. I can't blame her for not wanting to be with me I bring trouble wherever I go it's simply something I have no control over I was marked by a Dark Lord forced into a kill or be killed situation. Maybe that's the perfect way to distract myself I should start training. Since Dumbledore knows of the prophecy he might let me get out of my main classes or give me a separate schedule from others so I can have more time to train. I think I'll ask about that right now better now then later I know I have to face them eventually but for now I need to get away from it all before I breakdown or explode.

I make my way over to the Headmaster's office and say the password to the Gargoyle before entering the moving staircase. I knock on the door and it opens there at his desk looking at me with that same sparkle that seems to be in his eyes. "Harry my boy, may I ask what brings you here at this hour?" I nod and explain to him what I wish to do. "I think this is a great idea Harry and I will allow it but I must know... This is very sudden is there something that's caused you to take this action?" I knew I could be completely honest when it comes to Dumbledore he's like a grandpa to me. "Yes." I say and I explain what's happened in the last 24 hours. "I'm terribly sorry Harry heartbreak is something that some of us can't avoid I hope that yours will heal quickly. But as I said before I believe that what you want to do is a great idea. I will grant you full access to the Room of Requirement as well as a night schedule for classes that will only benefit you taught personally by me." I nod knowing that the task I have created for myself won't be easy but I think it'll be worth it in the long run. "Harry I believe the best place for you to begin is becoming an Animagus. It can be a bit complicated but with the kind of time you'll have on your hands and the dedication I know you put when you truly want to achieve something you should have this down in three weeks." He goes over to a shelf on the far side of the room and picks up a fairly large book something Hermione would have called 'light reading' I chuckle at the thought but it also makes me sad. I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Dumbledore speaks while handing me the book. "This is the best place to begin." he says as I take the book and do a quick look through on the contents. I thank the Headmaster for allowing me to start my training and with that I head back to Room of Requirement going to straight to the bed that was created for me I lay down and within seconds I'm out like a light.

Hermione P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning having a wonderful dream about Ron. When my mind starts jogging into work mode I remember the events of the previous day and I don't know what to feel. Yes I'm happy that Ron finally had the courage to ask me out, but I'm sad because Harry also had the courage to ask me out. I go down stairs as soon as I'm dressed hoping to catch Harry before Ron comes down for breakfast. When I get down to the common room Harry isn't there I wait a few minutes to see if he'll come down. He doesn't, but Ron does. He kisses me good morning before sitting next to me. "Is Harry up there?" I ask after a few minutes of talking. "Uh yeah he came up this morning." I gave him a strange look telling him to explain what he meant. "He said he didn't wanna come back after last night thought I would wanna talk to him." "Oh." I say I should've guessed that I feel terrible. After sitting in silence for a few minutes we decide to go to breakfast, as we're about to leave the common room Harry passes by and sees Ron and I's hands intertwined. He looks up at me and I can tell he's hurting I try saying something but he just rushes out of the room. I look at Ron and he just shrugs before pulling me along to breakfast. I'm hoping I could talk to Harry at breakfast but when we get there he isn't. I see Ginny and I ask if she's seen him. "Sorry Hermione." she says "you just missed him said he had some studying to do." 'That's weird Harry only studies when there's an exam the next day.' I take a seat next to Ron still wondering what Harry is doing. I make my mission for the day to talk to Harry. I start to fill my plate up with food from the table. Near the end of breakfast Professor McGonagall comes towards Ron and I telling us to meet her in her office at once. 

Alright I hope you guys liked this one let me know and leave suggestions if you have any!

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