Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.

To say I was shocked was an understatement I had no idea that my family line was connected to the Gryfinndors to be honest though I don't know much about my family. "Alright what do I need to do?" I ask looking up. A tile on the floor starts to move away and in it's place a pedestal with a white orb on top appears. "Harry all you need to do is grab this orb, it will recognize you as part of the family. But I must warn you in order to gain these powers and memories you will experience a pain like never before it's part of the process." I nod my head I've faced a whole bunch and if these powers can help me defeat Voldemort than its worth the pain. I go up and grab a white orb and just like Godric had said a pain like never before hit every single nerve in my body all at once not knowing what to do I fell to the floor gripping on to the orb. I don't know how long the pain actually lasted it felt like years before it ended. I nearly passed out but I was able to maintain consciousness I found kind of funny actually it was Hermione's voice in my head that told me to keep on fighting. After what felt like an eternity the pain passed and I was able to open my eyes. 

As I stood up I noticed that the orb was gone. Another thing I noticed was that I was taller than usual. A mirror appeared in front of me and I gasped. I knew I was smaller than most of the students in my year it was because of the way my relatives treated me because I was never fed properly I was unable to grow normally. But now I was about 6'2 and my muscles had grown along with the workout I did hours before. For once the small bit of lingering pain in my scar was gone and my head felt clearer. Suddenly it felt as if someone had flipped a light switch on as memories from centuries of ancestors entered my mind different spells and abilities that I couldn't even imagine were suddenly something I knew how to do step by step I didn't know what to think. Godric's voice began once more " Welcome back Harry, I apologize for the pain you experienced it's something that couldn't be avoided when I made the orb many years ago." I nod in response. "Well as I'm sure you've noticed you have grown a fair bit and you have also learned many lifetimes worth of knowledge from your ancestors. Now I must tell you of the powers you now have." I nod once more not really sure what to expect. "First off you are able to do unspoken and wandless magic although it isn't really a power it's something you are able to do. Your first real power though has to do with your animagus. Now if I'm not mistaken you are a wolf correct?" "Yes Godric I became one today." I answered back. "That's great Harry an amazing achievement, and it will also be useful in this secondary ability you have. There really isn't a name for it except partial animagus." I already knew what it was yet I hadn't even heard of it. "So I can take certain aspects of my wolf and bring it out to my human side?" Godric nods. I decide to test it out. I will my fangs to come out as well as my claws. 'Wicked' "Your second power you posses is the ability to see through any spell potion or charm and be able to detect what spell, potion, or charm that person or entity is under." I nod once more. "Harry these gifts that you have been given may seem great, but this is not the power which Voldemort doesn't know about. Voldemort knows of your decent line but he knows that you didn't because of your mind link, but now the link is broken." "But if none of this is the power that I have and he doesn't have or know about then what is?" Godric smiled at me and gave me the answer I least expected. "That is something you must find out for yourself Harry, though I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough." He laughed once more as the RoR changed once more turning into the common room. I sat down on one of the couches and the answer popped into my head. "Hermione." I said.

Sorry this one's a bit shorter it actually took me a whole week to write this one I wasn't really sure what to do but hey I think it's going pretty good please leave suggestions!!  

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