Chapter 14

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Hermione's P.O.V.

"How could I not see it before?" 'Say it' My mind tells me "I'm in Love With Harry Potter"

My heart swells with the my realization and I continue to repeat it to myself in  my mind 'I'm in Love With Harry Potter' 'I'm glad you finally opened your eyes. You know for the supposed brightest witch in her age you can be quite daft when it comes to the matters of the heart, you and that logic of yours' I laugh to myself as my mind was correct it seems that all I do is get in my own way. I look outside and realize that it is already night fall. I know that he isn't back but I need to go where I last saw him. I make my way out of the Common Room and head towards the Room of Requirement. As I reach the hall I see that the door is already there. 'He can't possibly be back already? Is he okay? What if he's hurt?' I begin to panic 'Hermione just go inside you won't know if anything's wrong unless you step inside' 'Right' I think back to myself. Slowly I approach the door. I slowly open the door hoping, begging, praying that Harry Potter is inside. The room looks just as it did the last time I was in here. I look over to the couch where Harry and I had last spoken and there he is.  I quickly approach to him and put my fingers on his neck hoping that there is a pulse. To my relief there is and I sigh a breath of relief. I look at his face and for the first time I see that there is a look of peace on his face, I had never seen that on Harry even when he was happy there was always a look of worry and of pain on his face. I take a seat on one of the other chairs facing directly towards him I don't want to bother him I am going to let him rest, and when he wakes up we will talk.

Harry's P.O.V.

For what feels like for the first time in my life my dreams are not accompanied by a dark wizard that wanted me dead. They are instead accompanied by her, my mate, my Hermione. We are side by side walking to somewhere I don't know where but it doesn't matter because I look down and I see our hands linked together and I know that this is right. I begin to stir from my sleep and I am not disappointed because I know that from this moment forward the sleepless nights are gone I can finally rest peacefully. My eyes flutter open and for a moment I could have sworn that I was dreaming because I see Hermione sitting in a chair directly across from me. I see her smiling at me and I think to myself this has to be a dream. I sit up and rub my eyes staring directly at her. She seems to understand what is going through my mind so she confirms to me that this is indeed real "Hello Harry." I wave sheepishly at her I know it was only yesterday but it feels as if I have not seen Hermione in forever. " Is it over?" I wasn't expecting her to ask me that I wasn't even sure if she had known that I was gone. 'Does that mean she came to check on me?' hope begins to rise in me but I remember that there is a beautiful witch waiting for me to answer her questions. " If you are asking if Voldemort is dead then the answer would be no." I see the fear in her eyes so I continue my answer. " No matter how evil the bastard was, killing him would have done nobody any good despite what they might think it might have gotten rid of Voldemort but it would have been in the same way he begun his mission by taking a life and I for one am done with the blood shed. He is gone though Hermione, the evil being who was once known as Lord Voldemort is now a shell of the being he once was. I took away everything from him. His name, his memories and, best of all his magic. There is no way he will remember the Wizarding World nor will he ever be able to discover it. Before I know it I find myself once again in the arms of Hermione and I can't help but return the hug with just as much effort as she is. After what felt like hours we both pull back and I am smiling like an idiot at her. She takes a seat next to me and I can tell she has something that she needs to tell me. 

"Harry, I need to talk to you about something I'm not entirely sure how to go about telling you though." I take a hold of her hands and look her in the eyes. "Well I think the best place to start would be the beginning." "Right." she takes a deep breath and begins speaking with tears in her eyes. "Harry you were right, completely right about Ron." I swear I am going to make sure that Redhead has no future. "Hermione what did he do?" I ask my jaw clenched I knew Ron could be a total idiot so I could only imagine what he did to Hermione. "Well after I saw you last your words about him flip flopping his emotions those words stuck with me, as I made my way back to the Common Room I saw Lavender straddling and snogging Ron on the couch." My body began to shake in rage, here Ronald Weasley had gotten the most amazing, beautiful, smart, and simply perfect witch in the world and he had thrown it all away in a matter of minutes. I felt Hermione take a firm hold of my hands and began to rub them softly to try calming me back down. "Harry it's fine I mean it isn't right what he did, but I ended things with him. I went to bed right after I had told him off, and when I woke the next morning Ginny ran to me crying about how you had left to start your mission, we both cried and tried to comfort one another." I squeezed her hands back to remind her that I was here that I had returned. She throws me a smile of appreciation and continues to speak. "After my classes I came back to the common room and sat on the couch that you and I had shared so many memories at. Then I realized something." She pauses and looks at me and I feel as if Hermione is staring into my very soul. Suddenly I can begin to hear a rapid heart beat and I somehow know that it's Hermione's 'I guess it's one of my wolf abilities'. Daring to ask I say "What did you realize Hermione?" She looks at me once more and it feels as if she looking for something in me some sort of sign. I squeeze her hand once more. "Hermione it's ok you can tell me I'm not going anywhere." She once again takes a deep breath "Harry I realized that, wherever we go we are together helping one another, we balance each other out. As I thought about our memories in that common room it's as if a movie began playing in my mind of our past years in Hogwarts. And well I realized that I-" She stops and I can tell that she is hesitating, but I need to hear this if she going to tell me what I think she is I need to hear it I need to know. "I realized that I am in love with you Harry Potter, and I am so sorry-" Her words are cut off by me closing the distance between us. I felt like I was in heaven never had I ever experienced a rush of happiness like that before. I pull  away and breathlessly I smile at her and say "I am in love with you too Hermione Granger."

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