Chapter 4

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Harry P.O.V.

I open my eyes and look around I still see the forest but the plains are nowhere to be seen neither is the desk area. I try to get up but when I stand I notice that instead of rising my heads actually lowered and I'm on all fours for some reason. 'This can't be' I think to myself I look down and instead of my usually pale arms and hands I see black fur and paws in their place. I begin to run trying to figure out what I am and how I was able to pull this off so quickly. As I'm running I notice that I'm way faster. After running for a few minutes I finally see and pond, I go as quick as I can when I peer down I see the animal I've become. I'm a black wolf a fairly large one as well I still have my same green eyes. I sit once more trying to figure out how I was able to do this so quickly. 'Maybe it has something to do with what I asked of the RoR, I asked for a place where I could learn this, maybe it allowed me to achieve what I wanted because I was specific with my request.' I sit once more to get out of my meditative state and try turning in the real world. I close my eyes and I feel myself returning to my normal body. 

I open my eyes again and look down I'm back to my regular self. I go back to the desk area to double check and make sure I did everything correctly. As I'm skimming through I hear a knocking on the door.  Guessing who it was I go to the door reluctantly knowing that this discussion would have to happen eventually. I quickly change the room to look like the common room. I go over to the door, and hesitantly opening it. There she is once more looking beautiful once more, and next to her is Ron throwing me a nasty look. "Hello Harry" she says a small smile forming at her lips. She's made sure to not be holding Ron's hand and I'm grateful for it. I motion for them to come inside and take a seat on one of the couches. 

They sit on the love-seat and I take to the large single person couch across from them. "So what's going on Hermione?" It's the dumbest question but it's the only way I know to start this without me getting upset or anything. She throws me a knowing look before responding. "Look Harry I want to start by saying-" I cut her off I don't want her feeling bad for falling for someone else it's something we can't help. "Hermione please don't say that you're sorry, it won't do any good I know what I did and how I feel and I got results while they may not have have been the results I wanted I still got them I don't regret any of it. It wasn't fair to either of us for me to keep that to myself. So please don't say you're sorry for how you feel because you aren't if that were true you wouldn't have said yes to Ron." I don't know how I'm able to do all this without crying I guess my new abilities are making me stronger. "I really do wish the both of you well, I want you to be happy weather that be with Ron or some other bloke that's all I really want yeah it hurts that it couldn't be me, but hey what am I gonna do give you love potion?" I ask chuckling hoping to ease the tension. It seems to work but Hermione doesn't know what to say now.

 After a few minutes of silence Hermione finally thinks of something, but she doesn't seem happy and instantly she has an accusing tone. "Harry you seem to be taking this very well so tell me why then you had to make me feel so guilty these last few hours with all the avoiding huh? I've been worried for hours hoping that I could fix this, but apparently there's nothing to fix since Harry Potter doesn't want my apologies. So what you're telling me that I could do this to Ron and it wouldn't bother you?" Hermione then grabs Ron by the collar and starts kissing him with heated passion. Instantly Ron responds bringing Hermione to his lap both of them forgetting that I'm there. Tears start to fill my eyes I yell "No Hermione that isn't what I'm saying!" She pulls away from Ron and gets off his lap realizing what she did. "Harry I'm sor-" "Please just go Hermione." "Harry pl-" I can't look at her it hurts. "Please Hermione" I plead. "I can't right now you go ahead live your life, don't feel guilt it won't do you any good leave me be I need to prepare myself for what's to come." She looks down I can tell she's about to cry and I hate myself for it. "If you need anything." She says with a trembling voice. "I know where to go." I finish her sentence throwing her a small smile. She returns it and takes hold of Ron's hand heading towards the door. She looks back once more mouthing the words I'm sorry before leaving the room with Ron. 

Hermione's P.O.V. 

I'm in my dorm right now laying on my bed looking to the ceiling crying my eyes out. I don't know why I did it what the hell was I thinking kissing Ron like that in front of Harry. He was just trying to remove my guilt and I went ahead and added to his pain how stupid can I be? The door to the room opens and Ginny sticks her head in. "Ron wants to- Hermione are you ok?" I need to talk to someone and I guess Ginny's my best bet. 

Alright I know its a weird place but Imma leave it here I'll be writing another soon!

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