Chapter 10

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Harry's P.O.V.

"No Hermione I would never willingly leave this world behind with someone as evil as that bastard where he could potentially hurt or worse kill you." I dared to look into Hermione's eyes and I could see the tears forming. I conjured a box of tissues and handed them to her she accepted them gratefully. "Are you still going to continue with your training Harry?" The question threw me off guard but I knew my answer this needed to end already I was not ready to lose anyone else. " It isn't necessarily training anymore I cannot go into detail about what happened the last couple of hours here but I am ready to take him on." I stood up I needed to rest to prepare for tomorrow Hermione looked at me strangely and I had forgotten that my physical appearance had changed a bit. " I will explain eventually Hermione for now I need my rest I have a long journey ahead of me." She instantly responds. "I'll go with you" I knew by the tone in her voice that she was serious and I knew that my Hermione had returned even if she wasn't mine. I lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek " You have someone to go to Hermione, it hurts me but I only ask that you be careful with Ronald, you and I both know that he can tend to flip flop about how he feels." I see her nod knowing all too well that she was thinking about the TriWizard Tournament. I escort her over to the door and wish her a good night. She steps out and with the door closed I let out a breath of relief. The past 2 hours had been extremally draining. I needed to get some rest for tomorrow is the day that everything will go down and I will not stop until my Hermione is safe.

Hermione's P.O.V.

 I leave the RoR thinking about what Harry had mentioned about Ron at the end, that and one other question who the hell slipped me potions? I made my way back to the common room to relax before it was time for bed. As I make it to the painting I walk in and I nearly fall to the ground at the sight before me. Lavender is straddling Ronald Weasley and snogging him senseless while grinding her hips into his and sinking deeper into the couch. I become livid and instantly Harry's words come to the forefront of my wind. I grab my wand and instantly a group of canaries begin to circle my head and with a flick of my wand they go flying towards Ron and Lavender. Lavender turns towards me and she has a look of hurt of her face. "Hermione what the hell that hurt!" I instantly respond "Lavender, Ron is my boyfriend, what are you doing snogging and grinding on him like that?" Lavender's face turns red I expect her to yell at me but instead she turns towards Ron "Boyfriend? You told me you two had broken up!" I now turn to Ron to see how he was going to explain this.

 His face turned nearly as red as his hair and he jumped up from his seat "Well I broke things off with Hermione because she wasn't giving me attention." I instantly replied "Ronald you did no such thing I haven't seen you since dinner I was speaking with Ginny and Harry." Ron's angered spiked at this and used it "See you were with Harry probably sexing it up with him, but you wouldn't even touch me." I was beyond angry to even think that Ron would find it appropriate to speak about my private life in this manor. "Ronald Weasley I was doing no such thing, not that I need to explain myself to you but go ahead and ask Ginny if you must if I was 'sexing' it up with Harry." Just as if she was summoned Ginny came into the room with a firm grasp on Dean's hand. "Hermione is speaking the truth Ron we went to go speak with Harry that's all unlike you she actually does care about his current situation." This only angered Ron "Oh boohoo Potter's got it tough doesn't he. No parents, no friends, and I got the girl." He finishes his statement with what I could only describe as a dirty grin. I scoff "Had the girl Ronald we are done." "You can forget about me too Ron were done!" Lavender stated and she pushed the redhead back into the couch and continued towards the Girl's Dorms before she made it though she turned towards me "I am so sorry Hermione had I known the truth I would have never even touched him." I throw her a small smile. "It's alright Lavender all is forgiven." she finishes making her way up the stairs and is out of sight. Ginny, Dean and I all turns towards Ron and scowl before all turning in for the night.

See you next time!

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