13 hospital.

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Lance: it's been two days!

Esteban: what?

Seb: huh?

Kimi: care to explain?

Lance: it's been two days since max got brought to the hospital! How is he?

Antonio: i wanna know too!

Mazepin: how is he?

Mick: is he going to be okay?

Kimi: he hasn't woken up yet.

Mick: how?

Lando: he was slammed against the edge of the drawer in the rooms.

Carlos: esa maldita perra! ¡Voy a matarlo! (that motherfucking bitch! I'm gonna kill him!)

Nando: ¡no sin mí! (Not without me!)

Checo: does he have any damage?

Lando: well... only some bruises...

Kimi: nothing serious. He can go racing once he wakes up.

Lance: that's at least some good news.

Checo: bad news...

Lando: bad news?

Checo: Jos told christian that max slipped and hit his head.

Kimi: wait what?!

Lando: but did you tell him the truth?

Checo: no...

Seb: why not?

Kimi: then i will do it!

Checo: Jos pinned me to the wall and threatened to hurt my son! He's going to hurt the people you care about...

Kimi: I'm not scared of him.

Nando: neither am i.

Lewis: he can't do me anything!

Alex: uhm... what about george?

George: what about me?

Alex: Jos can hurt you to get to lewis!

George: what?! 😳

Lewis: does not mean he knows!

George: uhm... I'm confused!

Lewis: don't worry about it!

George: okay!

Max: what the fuck is going on?

Seb: you're alive!!

Max: was there ever a chance i was gonna die?🤨

Seb: no but we were just worried.😂

Lando: you're awake!!

Max: for how long have i been out? An hour?

Daniel: uhm... almost three days...

Max: what?! So that's why Kelly was so angry that I didn't call her...

Kimi: no one told Kelly max was in the hospital?

Lando: i texted her... but i guess she didn't see it...

Seb: but thank god you're okay.

Max: uhm...can anyone tell me what happened above? 👆🏻

Daniel: 🤷‍♂️

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