I dont want to share whats mine.

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After this question, meryl didn't talk to Don, she was totally sensitive about John, and ofc she wasn't over him yet, I mean he just died..

After a long silent ride home, he started talking.
"Meryl, I want to know where I stand, I don't want to share what's mine.. I get it if you still love him... even tho it's hard, meryl I just don't want to be your rebound."

Did he just say she uses him as a rebound?

"are you telling me, that I use you as a rebound? GOD DON! I wouldn't let you near me, I wouldn't let you touch or kiss me, If I wouldn't love you, damn it! Do you think I'm playing games with you?!" He kept mum, he knew whatever he would say now, they would end up getting into a fight, and he doesn't want it.

He took his coat and left the apartment.

Meryl was sick of it, she couldn't do it anymore, she called one of her friends and asked if she could stay the night there.
She took a bag, some of her things, and left a note for don.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this, just leave it alone, I just want you to know that i don't use you as a rebound.
I don't know when I'm coming back, I need space now. Don, I love you."


And just like that, she left.

After a good hour don arrived home, it was currently 1am and he was drunk, and when he saw that she left, he broke down, he took the note and felt tears streaming down his cheeks.

He called Third and told him that he fucked up and that he lost meryl.


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