Miracles pt. 2.

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"DON...?" Meryl was tired and wanted to get out of the bathtub, but she was too weak.

"DARLING? are you okay? Do you need anything? Is the water too cold? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Can I-.."

"Don, hey, hey look at me." She had to smile at how concerned he was, oh god how she loved that man, she couldn't put it into words

"I'm alright. I just, uhmm- I want out of this bathtub and just get a bit sleep, cause I'm heading to the doctors later..."

"Oh yea sure, uhm- eh- here you go Darl, to you know cover you up.." don turned around and meryl laughed.

"Oh honey, you don't need to turn around, i'm your wife, you've seen me naked before.."

He did, multiply of times, but he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"Uhm I know, ya sure, okay let's get you out of this, when is your doctor's appointment..?"


"okay it's currently 1:30, you can rest until 2:40 something, I want you to eat before we go.."

"Don, I can go alone I'm sure you still have a lot work to do... besides it's nothing important right?"

"Mary... I want to be with you, all these 9 months, I want to be with you, I need to be with you, I gave you my word. I know I broke it when I hurt you, and i'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I will regret that forever. But NEVER say that again, that our baby is nothing important.. that it's absolutely NOT true! It's OUR baby, I'll put you two over everything ALWAYS and FOREVER! I will never ever let you go there alone, i will love you and this baby until my last breath, and all the other baby's we will have!"

"Oh don, I love you" Meryl hugged him and cried.

"Hey psst it's okay, I love you more my sweet darling. I'll prepare you something great while you'll sleep okay, now rest, you and little Gummer need a lot of rest and love.." he kissed her and made her comfortable on their bed.

He then walked into the kitchen and prepared her some food.

Fruits, vegetables, french fries, doughnuts and waffles, a weird mix, but she may be hungry. So he just did what he always did when she was on her period. Food was the key to every girls heart.

The next hours went by smoothly their appointment was amazing, she was now about 6 weeks pregnant, they got their first pic and heard the heartbeat.

The evening they had dinner With everyone possibly available, to tell them their great news.

The months went on by

Meryl was now 25 weeks pregnant and was showing the bump beautifully.

Every night before they went to bed Don talked to their baby.

This night wasn't different, just that Meryl was already asleep, at least he thought that.

"Hey baby.." he whispered. "I have to whisper my boy, mommy is already asleep, you know that I'm so proud of mommy and I will ALWAYS protect you and mommy my Henry boy, oh yea right, you have a name now, we decided to name you Henry Wolfe, we just know that will fit you right my boy, my hen boy, I can't wait to meet you, but stay there a bit longer okay, you need to be strong and don't give mommy a hard time k buddy?"

In that moment the baby kicked and meryl laughed with tears rolling down her cheek.

"Oh darling, sorry I didn't meant to wake you.."

"No I was awake, you are something else Gummer, I love you my don man, and i love you too Gippy.."

and with that the Gummers fall asleep, all 3 of them.

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