Mr. and Mrs. Gummer.

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30. September 1978.

It was 9am current, meryl and Don were getting ready. It was their wedding day.

Meryl was super excited, she hadn't felt like that in MONTHS don was making her so happy, he was the one who showed her that after you loose love you can always find love again. She felt good and right about this, about him, about them. Never felt so right in her life.

Don on the other hand was pretty nervous, he was married before, he kind of was afraid and asked himself what if we really rushed it, when they told their parents, they weren't really convinced though...

Flashback- telling don's parents.

"Hi mom" he greeted his mother with a kiss on her cheek. "Hello hun, and hi to you too Mer darling! How are you? Come on in, I bet you guys are starving, gosh I am so happy to have you here!" Dorothy was more than happy, she adored Meryl and also don's father, William, adored Meryl, they all loved her and thought she was making don the happiest he has ever been, which is true.

"Oh son, it's good to see you, and you too honey, how are you Meryl?"

"We're perfect, thank you will, and thanks for having us here, we have big news to announce!" She smiled at don who was holding her tight arms around her waist. He looked at his fiancé and smiled immediately!

The 4 of the had dinner together and talked for a while, then don made the first step.

"Mom, dad, we actually came down for a specific reason... we wanted to talk to you.."

Dorothy looked at them and than at her husband, now slightly worried.

"We're getting married!" Meryl just spit it out, without even thinking.

"OH MY-" Dorothy began but got interrupted by her husband.

"Meryl, don.. are you sure this is the right thing to do, you barely know each other, and just started dating for what, two months... I don't doubt that you two are a match but don think about it! Your first marriage didn't work out. Meryl you are a great girl, a great and amazing person and we really adore you, and it has NOTHING to do with you, but I'm just worried that you two are moving too fast.."

"Dad, we love each other, we know marriage is a huge thing, but I've never been so sure in my life"

"The you may have our blessings, tell us when and where and we'll be there."

Flashback to telling Meryl's parents.

"MOMMMMAAAAA WE'RE HERE!" Mer screamed through the whole house.

"MARY LOUISE STREEP STOP YELLING!" Don laughed at the two women in front of him, the one yelling and the other yelling at her daughter to stop yelling. Harry, Meryl's Dad came in.

"Oh hello sweet pie.."

"Hi daddy, how are you guys?"

"Mom and I are great, how are you guys?"

"Perfect, we actually came down to tell you guys something.." Don said clearly nervous.

"Spit it out son." Mary and Harry took a place on the other side of don and Mer.

"Well, momma, daddy, don and I have a big announcement to make" she giggled, the parents looked at each other.

"We're getting married!" Don said truly happy.

"FINALLY HE ASKED HER" Harry bursted out. He was happy!

"MARY LOUISE ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" Her mother completely freaked out.

"I don't have to be pregnant to get married! But hopefully in our near future we will also bring a baby Gummer to the world." She hugged her fiancé, happy.

Just as expected Harry wasn't convinced about the idea of them getting married NOW..

"Meryl, I'm worried... what if you two get married now and in the end you see don as.. well.."

"Mom... are you trying to say I use him as a rebound?! HA UNBELIEVABLE, GEEZ DAMN MOTHER, I LOVE THAT MAN I WOULDNT MARRY HIM IF I WOULDNT BE SURE, AND SURE AS HELL I'M GONNA MARRY HIM IN THE END OF THIS MONTH, IF YOU LIKE IT, OR NOT.." She was tearing up and hated how she began to cry when she was mad or furious..

"Hey, Darl.. it's fine, relax okay... come here, I'm here"

"Marry, Harry, we are completely sure about this we are aware that marriage is something complete serious, but I love your daughter."

"Son, we gave you our blessings, even tho we think it's too early, your decision, we will always support you."

"That's right, Mary, I know you wouldn't use him as a rebound, but please, just remember how LUCKY you got and that you truly have a man next to you who loves you!

"I know mamma, I love you.."

"I love you too darling girl"

Flashbacks ends

Harry walked Mer down the little aisle, to don, waiting there, crying.

He was overwhelmed she looked GORGEOUS!

Mary of course was crying, seeing her husband giving her daughter away for her wedding, she never thought that she would see it until in a few years, but then don came in her life, thank god for third and turned everything upside down! Their love was the strongest.

"Mr Gummer, you may kiss the bride"

And with that, they were now officially Mr and Mrs Gummer.

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