I will always love him.

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The next morning third went over to don's apartment, he saw how he suffered.

some weeks passed now and Don still didn't want to eat properly and never goes out.

Third thought it's getting out of control so he decided to give his sister a call.

"Uhm hey sis.." he said when she picked up the phone.

"Third, I know you call because of don, let me real quick explain this, he said I'm not over John and that he doesn't want to be rebound, I get it, okay but I need space, I just- I can't do this right now, he hurt me, and whatever you say, I need time for myself I can't deal with this right now, please.."

"Yes I called you because of don, but not that I want to blame you, or him, or anyone else. I just want you to talk to him Mary.."


"He is suffering, I've never seen him like this, he..never mind.."

"No third, tell me what's wrong with him!"

"He is not feeling well.."

"What is that supposed to mean third!? Talk to me, tell me what's wrong with him!"

"Mary you broke him! He is lying in his bed all day with your shirts as a pillowcase, he smells your Parfum, just to have you near, in the past weeks he didn't want to eat properly, I had to force him, Mary Louise.."

"Oh god! I'm on my way."

When meryl arrived 30 mins later she stormed through the door, she told third he can go now, and that she would handle it from now on.

She walked into don's room and saw him lying in bed with her shirt as a pillow.. he was sobbing, he looked thinner, and he grow a beard, he looked awful and meryl felt bad.

"Don..?" She asked softly approaching his bed.

"Meryl? Is that you? Or is it a dream? Oh I missed you my love, I missed you so much, please, I beg you never leave again, if it's a dream I don't want to wake up, and did the worst thing in my life, hurting and leaving you.."

"Oh don, it's not a dream, I'm here, and I won't leave again, I missed you.." she sobbed now, throwing her arms around his neck, she looked at him and wiped his tears, and he wiped her tears, suddenly without any warning he kissed her, she was totally taken aback by that. She felt thousands of butterflies in her stomach. Love.

"Meryl, are you still in love with John...?"

"I do love him, and I always will, he had a huge impact on my life you know.. but I'm not inlove with him, i'm inlove with you don.."

"I'm in love with you too my sweet darling"


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