Vows- lasting forever.

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If you want to know what they said in their vows, here it is!


Don, oh my don man, you, Donald James Gummer
make me the happiest woman alive and
in the world, I couldn't be happier,

I couldn't ask for more
I have the best and most handsome man
In the world as- now- not only my best friend but also as my husband, people say we rush things, but
I don't care, all I care about is
You and our love, you make me go crazy and
you always know what to say to make me feel better
When I was at my lowest, you pulled me out of it, thank you for saving me,
you're the love of my life
my don man,
I love you.


My Meryl, Mary Louise, or how I like to call you
My girl
You are my everything, my best friend, my soulmate, a part of me, you made me complete, without you I wouldn't be me now, you took me in your arms and showed me what it means to be loved by the right person, for some people it's maybe right person wrong time, but I know it was my faith to be with you, I was destined to be married to you,
I couldn't think of anyone else as my partner in crime.

As the mother for my children. Before I knew you, I didn't even want children, you changed me, because of you, I'm a better me. Thank you for being you.
Absolutely breathtaking in every way.
You amaze me every time I see you.
I always ask my self how did I get so lucky, my heart starts to race every time you look at me, every time I see your smile and every time I hear your laughter.

I love you, my girl

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