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Jungkook admits that he despised Lisa during her first few years in the castle; she was in her early adolescence, and he had visioned her as nothing more than another bothersome youngster who dared to seek his attention.

He didn't dislike her mother. In fact, he's in good term with her as long as his father is happy and she is taking care good of him.

He didn't spend much time with her mother, but he could tell she was a good parent to Lisa.

There was too little resemblance between them two, he concluded Lisa might've inherited most of her features from her father. Nonetheless, her beauty was out of this world.

She was such a bubbly person, and that was his first impression of her when he met her for the first time.

He remembered all the stunts she'd pulled to get close to him. Some were foolish, some were sweets, he liked it but didn't want to get involved as it would be seen ridiculous to act immature at his age of nineteen.

He had wished for her to leave him alone, and even anticipated that she'll eventually get tired of his continued ignorance toward her. And it indeed happened.

He initially believed it was a sigh of relief, yet there were many instances when he hoped she'd still try.

He'd always be on the lookout for her presence and little tricks to appear.

No longer Lisa leave freshly baked delicacies at the entrance to his chamber, no longer he receive her handwritten letters asking him to play with her, no longer he could see her around whenever he went to his archery lessons.

He couldn't put into words how he felt, but he was somehow disappointed.

That's when he realized she doesn't really deserve his attention at all. If she was truly desperate for her brother's attention, she would strive better to impress him.

But she gave up so easily, and he resents her lack of determination. He harbored a grudge against her and decided that it would be best to ignore her presence entirely.

Unfortunately, after a few years, he found it difficult to ignore her. Only when she was nearly in her seventeenth year did he realize what a beauty she is.

He had considered how many princes from other kingdoms would die to be with her, but as the month of her eighteenth birthday approached, he also realized that his admiration for her was no longer a brother's affection.

He no longer associates her with someone else in his mind, and he'd kill if someone dared to fancy her.

He refused to acknowledge it so vehemently, but the conversation with her parents about the upcoming birthday celebration a week ago triggered something within him.

He couldn't let her go, and he dislikes her enthusiasm to make her presence be known. He went to his father's office the night following that dinner to explain how he wanted to revise the decisions that had been made for her birthday.

However, because he made an agreement with her mother, the king couldn't proceed without speaking with her.

Jungkook had nodded in understanding, though he isn't quite convinced. He flashed his father a courtly smile as they clinked their glasses before drinking the night away.

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