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"are we d-done?" Lisa's voice weak, as her fingers reached out for his hand.

Jungkook didn't understand what she was trying to do, nevertheless, he took her hand in his, enveloping it with his large ones.

After what he's done to her, holding her hand feels almost intimate, her delicate fingers wrapping around his gently, almost as if it was trying to lure the regret within him.

But Jungkook could never blame himself for simply punishing her; all he knew was that it was all her fault, Lisa brought herself into this trouble.

She tenderly placed his palm against her stomach, allowing him to feel how bloated it was from his cum.

"am.. a-am i pregnant n..ow?" Lisa questioned, a tiny smile slipping in her tired face.

"probably" he replied shortly, giving her stomach a light pat before approaching to peck it with a faint smile on his lips.
The wind blew through her face, her hair floating with the same calm waves of the fabric laundries hanging outside the yard.

Her fingers subtly brushing against the delicate thin piece of paper that sits in between her fingers.

Her eyes gleaming with glee as Lisa recall the beautiful words from her mother while she gaze up in the sky, sitting on one of the benches while she caress her growing stomach.

She was holding the envelope her mother had sent to her for the day, filled with comforting words of hers.

Lisa was so enthusiastic telling her how much she look forward to their return. It had been six months since they left, she dearly missed their presence in the castle.

It had been so quiet and peaceful that it's almost too boring for her to stay.

They still have no idea about her pregnancy, which she was trying her best to avoid telling over the letter.

Jungkook had told Lisa to keep it a secret until they arrived, saying it should be a welcoming present for them.

She leaned back against the bench and swing her legs freely, allowing the frilly hem of her dress to flow with the wind.

Being pregnant wasn't as difficult as she thought it would be, with Jungkook by her side, he would always give Lisa everything she needed.

He was surprisingly considerate with her hormonal imbalance, letting her cry and whine over trivial matters.

Everything about her pregnancy fascinates him, she'd become more beautiful in his eyes, glowing with her flushed skin and radiant appearance.

But, ofcourse, the most part that he likes is whenever she'd crave for his touch, it would be so arbitrarily but he gives into her every single time.

How could he refuse when her appearance itself was making him insane and hard?

Whenever Lisa distracted him from his work, he'd bend her over his work table, giving her pussy a stretch it deserves while whispering filthy things into her ear.

If she is tired but want to feel the pleasure, he'll make her lie on her back on the sheets while he dives into her divine slicks.

Lisa'd grown accustomed to Jungkook's touches without missing a day, and there's no doubt she'd begin to crave it more as well.
Jungkook watches Lisa from the distance, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the letter she was holding, re-reading it for the nth time with a smile on her face.

His lips twitched into a beam, she was so genuine and pure with her love toward her mother, it's a shame he couldn't do the same with his own father.

Holding the piece of delicate envelope in his hand, he brought it up to his face where he could see the delicate writing of hers.

Each words are carved into beautiful font, soothing and full of reassurance.

It was the letter her mother was supposed to receive yesterday, Jungkook lightly grin to himself as he brushes his fingertips over the tiny flowers Lisa engraved into the paper.

He almost felt sorry for her mother as she wouldn't be able to see all of her letters, which were all hidden in the little sanctuary of his room.

A place where all of her letters are kept as part of his collection. Everything about her is his, as he stated.

None of it have been outside of the gatehouse. He always wait from behind the walls, watching Lisa run her way toward the box where she'd put the letter that he'll later steal.

He didn't want her to become suspicios over it, so he came up with an idea of writing the letters himself and pretend they were from her mother.

He had ensured it was similar enough with her handwriting based on the writings he could find inside the room of his father.

He couldn't wait to approach her with an unexpected news, he knew it would make her sad for days, but there's nothing much he can do when both his father and her mother have already been dead three months ago.

He'd lie to her about how they were attacked by some bad people on their way back inside the castle.

He wanted her to be terrified by the thought of how dangerous the world outside was. So she'd prefer not to be associated from the outside, no longer imagining it as paradise.

He'll describe in detail how they were stabbed with the bad people's sharp swords until they were out of breath.

When in fact, it was the poisonous herbal leaves that killed them.

He already knew his father was weak and sick, so he used it as an advantage-adding to the plans he made, the night a week before Lisa's birthday.

He replaced the medicine that his father consumes to heal, to a poisonous one that would worsen his sickness and kill him slowly.

He knew Lisa's mother was the one who prepares all of medicine of the king. Of course, as a caring wife she is, she'd always taste it herself first, allowing the smallest drop of poison to spread throughout her body as well.

Luckily, his father had already sealed the contract with his signature before he left, and he would be declared as a new king in a matter of months.

Lisa'd still be the princess hidden from the outside world. Jungkook could never risk showing her to everyone, no matter how much he wanted her to hold the title that is supposed to accompany his.

She is the only treasure he owns that he could never flaunt to others, just like how other royalties keep their golds and diamonds hidden from their own people.

She will live peacefully inside the castle, give birth to a child, and no one will know that a heir has already been born.

She'll grow old alongside him and die within the safe haven of the vast walls and gate.

In the eyes of the heaven, they've witnessed a beautiful yet terrifying tale of a princess, which only the prince could tell the entire story.

But he'll choose to keep the nonexistent book close to his heart, carrying it all the way to his grave.


Yandere Step-brother || Liskook ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ