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The gatehouse appears to be much larger than it was previously, possibly due to the fact that she hasn't been near it in a long time.

It's a long way from the castle, so she didn't bother going when she couldn't go out anyway.

Now Lisa is only a few steps away from the outside, and she can't help but giggle as she thinks about all the memories she'll make.

But Jungkook, on the other hand, is determined not to let her go even for a second.

"Where do you think you're going?"

To her surprise, the prince appeared in front of her in a flash, her heart pounding rapidly as a result of his unexpected appearance.

It still astounds her that she had no inkling that he was following her behind her back the entire time. She was completely unaware of his deliberate heavy steps.

He was so close that he could smell the joy wafting through the air-but he's not happy about it.

From his chamber's window earlier, he could see her figure walking away. He was about to ignore her thinking it's just another day of her visit the courtyard garden.

But what caught his eye was the basket she was holding, which appeared to be filled with delicacies she loves to make.

He's not stupid if he doesn't know what those are for; he didn't even hesitate before striding out of his room to follow her.

He knew she was planning to leave the moment he saw which direction she was heading.

It already irritated him that she was still looking forward to that little adventure she'd been planning.

But what enraged him the most was that she didn't bother asking for his permission; it's not like he'll accept it anyway. But the point is she didn't even think about telling him.

Stepping back a bit, Lisa responded, "Going out?"

"You're not allowed to go out," he says calmly.

Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why? I was told that once I reached my consent age, I could go out."

"I've also been told not to let you out."

"That's not fair! Father already gave me permission. But it doesn't matter now, I'm already eighteen and I can do whatever I want," She argued, trying to pass by him-only to be pushed back by his arm, until she stumbled back.

"So you've lost your manners just because you're eighteen?" he scoffed.

"I don't care about your age, get back inside. I already told you, you couldn't leave." his voice stern, he doesn't like the way she is talking back to him.

"But i told you too that i can!" Lisa exclaimed, quickly covering her mouth with her palm as her voice unexpectedly rose.

"I-I didn't mean-" her eyes fluttered in fear as Lisa watched his face form into a scowl.

The next thing she knew, she was being dragged by her brother forcefully, who had a bruising grip on her arm.

The basket she was carrying had been abandoned on the grass, along with the withering flowers that had fallen from it.

Her attempted to break his grip on her arm, but it was futile for he is much stronger than her.

"Brother, let me go, it hurts," tears well up in Lisa's eyes at how tightly Jungkook was gripping her arm like it was nothing more than an object he'd grip into when he's mad.

Jungkook didn't care; in fact, the moment she raised her voice at him, she pissed him off even more.

He doesn't care if it wasn't intentional; what matters is that she disrespected him, not just as an elder, but also as a prince and brother.

He was not going to let that kind of attitude get away from him. He never accepts apologies in the absence of punishment.

He thought she deserved the pain because, after all, she had hurt him, so it was only fair.

Jungkook had enough of Lisa trying to escape from his grasp, her squirms and whimpers only triggering within him.

Stopping in his tracks, he pulled her against his chest with such force that it caused a slight pain on her skin at the impact, harsh enough it could leave bruises.

She let out a startled scream as he lifted her from the ground with so much ease, drapping her over his right shoulder with a firm grip.

He carried her like she was nothing more than a bag of carrots on his shoulder.

With each squirm, she could feel his shoulder muscles flex against her abdomen.

It's tight and uncomfortable, and it makes her want to throw up. Her upper body being bent over his back isn't helping at all, the blood rushing through her head was making her feel light headed.

Lisa thought she'd lose her consciousness before she could even reach the castle, but in the blink of an eye, she was hurled into the soft sheets that she assumed were his bed.

Lisa didn't even have time to react when Jungkook appeared in front of her in an instant, gripping the front of her dress with such a tight grip that it was almost suffocating.

As soon as she looked up at him, her face was harshly blown to the side as he slapped her across the face, shocked, she whimpered at the sudden discomfort against her cheek.

"b..brother-" cut off, he slapped her on the opposite side of her face once more.

Lisa screamed as the cold metal rings touched her cheek. Her hand reached out to caress the burning sting on her delicate skin, her fingertips catching the slight bump caused by his rings.

"Who do you think you are?" he snatched her jaw as he yanked her head up to meet his piercing gaze.

Just like that, all of her fear for him has returned, and she feel as if she has no control over her body at the moment.

Her small figure uncontrollably shaking in his intimidating presence.

"You have no right to refuse me or even raise your voice against me; remember your limits; you'd be nothing if your mother hadn't married my father," he scowled, his voice lacing with rage.

In a bruising grip, his fingers pressed roughly against the flesh of her cheek. Her tear-stained eyes looked up to him, as if she was pleading for his forgiveness through her tears.

But he's cruel and without mercy, she wailed as he smacked her in the face again and again until her body was thrown onto the ruffled sheets.

Yandere Step-brother || Liskook ||Where stories live. Discover now