Chapter 9: The Intern

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June 17, 2140

Kanzen's POV:

It's the first day of internships, and my intern should be at the agency by 8:30 in the morning, so we can review protocols before the morning patrol. I made an offer to Akio Yamamoto, aka Hurricane, from Class 1B and she accepted!

Hurricane arrived ten minutes early, which was a good first impression for her. We finished going over protocols early, and just talked for like fifteen minutes, while we waited for X-Ray to come in. Apparently, Hurricane's quirk (weather) was very dependent on her emotional control. She also preferred to use her quirk as a last resort, so that she didn't accidentally cause any damage to the area around her.

X-Ray got in at 8:55, right on time. We did our patrol, and went back to the agency to train. I had X-Ray teach Hurricane some martial arts, while I did some paper work.  I went down to the basement, where they were training and asked Hurricane to demonstrate her quirk. She created a small storm in that room. It was certainly a powerful quirk.

At 9p we did our evening patrol and went home. This was our routine for the week, and at the end of it all I told her to come back and work with me again if she ever got the chance.

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