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Bakugou POV

I woke up with so much pain in my lower back. I tried to get up and nearly fell since my legs were not cooperating. Z was nowhere to be seen so he couldn't help. I grabbed my phone and held onto the wall as I made my way to the bathroom. I filled up the tub with warm water, a bath bomb and some oils to help with the pain. Finally, the tub was filled so I rest my phone on the side and sank into the water.

About 10 minutes later my phone rang. I picked it up not bothering to look at the ID and just answered.

"Who the fuck is this and why the fuck are you calling me?" I heard shuffling and a whimper.

"H-Hey M-Ma-Mama." I immediately shot up and looked at the ID name and realised it was Kami's contact. 

"I'm sorry bubba, I didn't realise it was you. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Is Z with you?" I heard a chuckle and a giggle.

"Yeah Papa's with me and it's okay Mama but we are at the store and we were wondering if you wanted something?" 

"If there is any Respiro Del Diavolo bring a bucket for me." I hear a bleh in the background.

"I still don't understand how you can eat that ice cream. It's fucking disgusting." I hear Z say as he came in the mic.

"Insult my ice cream I dare you to cause then you can say goodbye to my ass for a few months." I hear a gasp.

"You can not take your ass away from me, that would be torture."

"I can and I will just insult my ice cream again." I hear a gag and quickly guessed it was Kami.

"Sorry about your perverted Papa, bubba. I leave you guys to your shopping. Love you, baby, Mama sends kisses." 

"Love Mama too." He giggles.

"What about me?" I hear Z whine.

"Kiss my ass." I hang up the phone right after that and got out of the tub. I could walk a little bit better. I threw on a robe and started my face routine. As I'm going through my routine my phone rang again.

"What?" I answered not realising it was on video.

"Bonjour mi amour." My head snap to the phone and I saw Aoyama.

"What the fuck Yuga. Where the fuck are you, you didn't come with 1A? And I've been trying to get through to you for a while now." I propped up the phone he could see me.

"Tone done amour, I stayed in Japan to help my family out but I'm coming in today."

"Thank god. You and Hito are the only people I can tolerate and you guys can keep me from bashing their heads together."

"Si aggressif." I look at him to see him being dramatic as always. (So aggressive)

"C'est ma passion cherie." We look at each other and start laughing. (It's my passion darling.)

"Anyways, you got fuck, didn't you? I can see you shifting in your chair." I choke on my saliva.

"I'm going to take that as a yes."

"You can blame the readers. It's their fault."

"Do not insult the lovely readers." I just sigh. Then my door blast opened with a scream.

"MAMA!" He jumps onto my lap and hugs me. I guess he's doing better from yesterday.

"Hey Kami, you chilling with me today?" He nods his head.

"You wanna slip?" He nods again. I just kiss his head and stroke his hair.

"Say hey to Yuga." He turned his head and stopped at the phone.

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