Chapter 17, part 2

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Valerie crept through the gathering dusk. It was almost total dark in the heavy forest but her eyes were keen, even in human form. Aaron and Vince were several yards in the front of her. Karen was to her left and Mitch was bringing up the rear.

Maybe fifty yards in front of them, they could see the occasional sparkle through the foliage. The smoke of the campfire was already clear in their nostrils, as well as the scent of Stanley Gaimenson.

Valerie shifted and felt the awkward weight of the holster at the small of her back. It made her think of Darren. She smiled at the thought. A trip to the shooting range and lessons in how to kill a werewolf were not a typical first date. Then again her pack had never faced an enemy like the Sons of Garm and she had never dated a Werebear. What was normal?

All she knew is that all of the violence she had faced in her life up to this point had been ritualized, the kind of tournaments and fighting that wolves used to determine pack ranks and tribal hierarchy. Kill or be killed was a new game, one she was not thrilled to be playing.

"Unless you land a really lucky shot," Darren had said as he placed the forty-five in her hand, "you probably won't kill your target, not if they are a were creature. But even a glancing shot can take someone out for that fight, and in pack war that could tip the balance."

She steadied her breathing and went over what he had taught her about bracing her arm and firing.

"Forget everything you've seen on TV. Real guns have kick. Brace your arm like this," he demonstrated as he talked. "And aim for the body. Don't pretend you are a sharp shooter."

"You guys don't have to be so slow in approaching," an unfamiliar voice called out in the woods, bringing her back into the moment. "We already know you are there."

Aaron and Vince both stiffened. Valerie exchanged a worried glance with Karen.

"Don't bother trying to go back either," the voice called again. "We have wolves behind you."

Aaron looked back and then straighten up. He walked forward.

Valerie followed suit. As she stepped into the clearing, she recognized five of the six people waiting for them. Loki, Deanna and Stanley were sitting on a log. Erik was pacing at the fireside. To the left of these were two more men. The one on the far left was Lukas, the envoy.

The man in the middle was tall with reddish brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He was well dressed, docker hiking boots, clean jeans and a reddish brown flannel shirt. He reeked of vanity and pride.

"You must be Aaron Leidulf," the man said in a low drawl.

"You must be Fenrir of the Sons of Garm." Aaron said.

"Fenrir, Wolf King," the man corrected.

"I thought that was to be decided at the council next summer," Aaron challenged.

Fenrir laughed. "You think I would let an insignificant wolf pack and a half grown bear cub stand in my way?"

"What do you intend to do?" Aaron asked.

Fenrir fixed him with a cold stare. "I thought that was pretty obvious," he snarled. "The rest of my pack and my brother's already have you ringed in. We are going to kill you now."

Valerie felt a cold wave wash over her. Loki, Fenrir, Erik and Lukas were all huge. Alone they were formidable foes. With even more pack members nearby, what hope did they have? She closed her eyes and willed her courage to return. Go out fighting, she told herself, just go out fighting. What else could she do?

Everyone froze suddenly. Valerie followed their sharp gazes into the darkness. She strained her ears and then she heard it too.

"Human, coming fast," Aaron said.

Fenrir chuckled, quietly this time. "You think this will stop us? I don't have your idiotic weakness for pampering those foolish creatures. Erik, deal with it."

Erick gave a curt nod and stomped off into the dark.

He came flying back moments later, literally. He slammed into a tree trunk on the far side of the fire and fell on all fours.

The man appeared to their left, between them and the Sons of Garm. He was dressed in the most outlandish garb Valerie could have imagined, a red tartan shirt and kilt. He was barefoot. He had red hair and a red beard.

His eyes went back and forth between Aaron's pack and Fenrir's. He turned slightly towards Aaron. "You must be Aaron Leidulf?" he said.

Aaron nodded uncertainly.

The man glanced at the Sons of Garm once more and then smiled. "It's a trap," he said.

"You are going to regret this," Erik snarled, looking up at him.

"Oh, I don't think so," the man replied with a wicked grin.

Erik exploded into wolf form, barrelling at the man. The man roared and transformed into a bear. His left paw came down hard, pinning Erik to the ground. His right claws extended as Lukas leaped at him as well.

All around her, the woods were coming to life with the sounds of running feet.

"Stick close," Karen was shouting. Aaron and Vince were already in wolf form, rushing at Loki, Stanley and Deanna. Valerie drew her gun and faced the forest. She saw a form coming out of the brush and she opened fire. There was a scream and the woman went down, grabbing her shoulder. One out of the fight.

She turned as she heard Mitch approaching, two figures were hot on his tail and Valerie opened fire again. It caught the man on his thigh and he went down. Behind her she could hear the retort as Karen opened up with her husband's 9mm.

The next attacker was already in wolf form and came too fast for Valerie to react. A jaw clamped down on her forearm and pain shot through her. She let instinct take her, transforming as they fell heavily towards the ground, her mouth already reaching out to bite his exposed ear.

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