Chapter 6 Part 4

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"Excuse me," a topless Arthur said through their cabin window. Amanda looked at him in surprise. "Jonathan?"

Jonathan rose and went to the window, eyes downcast. "Yes, sir."

"Your mother and I would like you to come down to the elder's camp for supper," he said.

"Yes, sir," Jonathan replied. "When?"

"Tonight, if it's okay with your pack, that is," Arthur said.

Jonathan gave a sidelong look at Connor, who shrugged. "Sure, do what you want," Connor said.

"That would be fine, sir," Jonathan told his father.

"Then we will see you there," Arthur said. His form disappeared from the window.

Amanda rose and looked out the window. Arthur was already back in wolf form. His salt and pepper fur disappeared down the path in a matter of moments. Amanda stayed at the window for a long time, brooding.

The entire pack had made several trips to see their adults. Tanner's family had come twice and he had spent the night with them. Brianna's mother had been down at one of the kin camps with Brianna's younger brother and Brianna had gone to see them.

She knew, from bits and pieces of gossip, that Arthur had been an almost as constant presence at the elder's camp as Aaron. And yet, despite being on-site most of the summer, this was the first time Arthur had invited his son to dinner. Amanda couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as she watched Jonathan hike off after him.

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