Chapter 19, part 1

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Jameson came by alone that evening. It was a good thing. After the bravado had worn off, Connor had grown increasingly anxious about challenging Arthur. His nerves had not been improved when the Cameron pointed out at lunch that tradition allowed both alphas to meet the challenge. Since Amanda didn't have control of her transformation yet, Connor would likely be facing not one but two adult wolves by himself.

Marshall pulled him aside to discuss strategy that afternoon. He was of the opinion that Jameson was up to something, but he couldn't figure out for the life of him what.

Tanner tried to keep Connor's spirits up. He reminded him that they had faced down the Sons of Garm not that many months before. "And those guys were huge, much bigger than Arthur," Tanner said. "Look at Erik, and you went after him like nothing. Held him off, too."

"Held him off," Connor agreed with a nod. "But I didn't beat him. I don't just have to hold off Arthur, I have to beat him. And he's one of the best in the tribe."

By the time Jameson arrived, Connor was looking a bit peeked. Jameson gestured Connor outside. Amanda rose and followed. Jameson didn't object.

"Marshal thinks you have a plan," Connor said as he sat next Jameson on the bench.

Jameson gave a wry smile. "I suppose you could say I do, though it's not much as plans go," Jameson admitted. "I think you can take him."

"But, Sir," Connor protested. "Will he have his alpha mate with him? Amanda can't transform at will and -"

"I will do what I can," Jameson said, "but likely he will. Don't be intimidated by that. Darlene Sage is a beaten woman, literally, I fear. She is not your main opponent."

"But," Connor began again.

"Do you know why you are alpha, Connor?" Jameson asked.

Connor paused. He stared at the ground. He shook his head. "Not really," he admitted. "I mean I know I can take Jonathan now, if I had to... But last summer? He adapted faster. He was the better wolf. If it had come to a challenge then..."

"It did not," Jameson said.

"Because the elders interfered," Connor said. "They declared me alpha without a challenge."

"Why do you think they did that?" Jameson asked.

Connor shrugged. Jameson waited patiently for Connor to try to articulate a reason. "Some people say the elders don't want Arthur to get too powerful. Another pack with one of his kids as alpha would tip the balance."

"And he and his pack would be positioned to become elders of the next generation," Jameson finished. "His hand, his ideology, would guide the Leidulf tribe for many years to come."

Amanda shivered. Jameson gave her a glance. "You don't think much of Arthur?" he said.

"What I have seen of the man? No," Amanda replied.

"He's a harsh task master," Jameson said, "that is true. But he's a strong warrior and there is safety in keeping the tribe strong, surely."

"He would make deals with the Sons of Garm and sacrifice my father to them, not to mention the woman I love, for a place at their table. This is how the Leidulf tribe will operate? No thanks," Connor spat out.

"Yes," Jameson said, "but think about this, under this new alliance with the Wolf King, Arthur and the Leidulf's would be his right hand in the North. We would dominate all of the tribes in the north half of the midwest. Surely that is a prize worth making some sacrifices for."

"It's easy to talk to about sacrificing for the good of the tribe," Amanda snarled, "when someone else is doing the sacrificing."

"Is that how you think?" Connor demanded. "That we need this alliance? That it is worth double dealing to get it?"

"No," Jameson declared. "But many on the elders council do think that way. We are at an impasse, Connor. We have been for years. The Sons of Garm, this new deal, it's brought it to a head, but the impasse has been there and growing for a long time. I want you to understand that. The council is divided. The direction that the tribe takes for most of your lifetime, will be decided soon.

"But first, your being named alpha. You are half right. There were voices on the council that spoke to limit Arthur's power. They wanted Aaron's son. They wanted Aaron to do the fostering. They want his thoughtfulness to guide us in years to come. But there was another set of voices, voices for Jonathan and Arthur. It was an even split. I was the deciding vote."

Jameson paused and stared out into the woods. "I am old enough to see both sides of this debate. In the end, it wasn't either side that swayed me." He pursed his lips and thought for a long time before continuing. "You must understand Connor, there is more to being alpha than being in charge. Alpha and omega, the top and bottom of the hierarchy. They aren't as different as many think. They both must, in their own way, put aside their own needs for the good of the pack. I couldn't see Jonathan doing that. You, though," he looked in Connor's eyes, "I've seen you time and time, last summer and this, do just that. You do what is right for your pack, whatever the cost. When you challenged Arthur I saw it again, in a flash I knew. You will do what you need to protect your own, whatever the cost to yourself."

Connor nodded, his face hardening. "I won't let that man hurt Jonathan anymore. He's my pack and he's my friend."

"It's not just your pack's future that's riding on this, Connor, it's the whole tribe," Jameson said. He laughed dryly, "Marshal would kill me if he heard me saying this. 'He's got enough on his plate. This is your idea of a pep talk?' But I think I understand you better than he does, in this at least. You need to understand just how much is riding on you winning tomorrow."

"But what if I don't?" Connor said in a whisper.

"You will," Jameson affirmed. "You will because you have to. Arthur doesn't. He wants this. He wants this badly. He thinks this the crowning glory of his life's work. But remember, he wants this. You need it. That's why you are going to win." 

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