18. Caught!

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{Ian's POV}

As I sat at the lunchtable, Kalel and Anthony were close, just like nothing ever happened. It was weird, Anthony giving glances to other girls too.

"Hey Ian, shall we get a new drink?" Dan spoke, waking me up from my thoughts.

"Uh yeah sure..." I stood up grabbing my empty bottle.

"Okay.. Let me get straight to the point. I think that you know, or think, the same thing as I do.." He paused a bit and grabbed a new bottle of water.

"What?" I asked curiously, also grabbing a water.

"Anthony... Like he pretends..."

Felix suddenly stood behind us.

"Anthony playing her? You're joking, right?" He shook his head and grabbed two bottles of water. "He doesn't play her, everyone is becoming weak and you guys get, like, real girlfriends. Being in serious relationships!"

"Well everyone can see that you like Marzia so don't even begin about them being weak.." Dan said back, grin on his face.

Felix shook his head and started to walk back to the table.

"But seriously though. Do you feel that Anthony pretends that he loves Kalel to just.. Get revenge on her? Like for kissing me?" Dan looked at me with a guilty look.

"Hey man.. I don't think so.. Anthony really loves Kalel. You can see that in his eyes." I replied.

"Yeah.. But like, I've seen him staring at other girls too."

"So you've seen it too?" I moved a few steps forward in the line, Dan followed.

"You know... What if he actually is acting about it?" Dan sounded insecure, like he blamed himself for what happened.

"Don't blame yourself for the kiss okay. It happened, they're back together and happy." I wasn't sure if I said this to myself or to him. Maybe both. To make myself sure.

We walked back, and didn't speak about it anymore.

"Hey guys, there is going to be a party at some place later tonight. Are we going to go?" Anthony asked as soon as we sat down.

"Hey, I don't know!" I looked at him, he was looking at Kalel happily. See, Anthony was just looking at others. He loves her.

"Well, I'll be there." Kalel smiled before kissing him.

"Thanks babe." Anthony smiled back. "Well we'll see who's coming tonight or who isn't. I hope to see you all tonight though. It'll be a good night then. Partying! Just letting go of all the stress!" He grinned.

"Yeah. We'll see.."

The day went slow for the rest. Most of the time I had subjects with people from our group, sometimes even more.

"Are you guys going tonight?" I asked Shane and Lisa.

"Yeah probably." He responded, "If you're okay with it ofcourse."

She nodded but didn't say anything.

Well, that was that. School's over.

A few hours before the party started, I got a text from Melanie asking if we were going to the party together, my mom almost forced me to go because it would be 'fun and classmates would be there!' So I went, for Melanie. It turned out that everyone from our group was going, so I was kinda happy that I went otherwise they would have been telling me for like five years that I should've been there.

Kalel and Anthony were walking hand in hand over the dancefloor, until Kalel hopped into the bathroom and Anthony was alone for a bit. He had girls all around him, but didn't seem to pay attention, maybe I was just a little bit paranoid. He was my best friend though, so I shouldn't think of him like that.

The night went crazy, and kind of fast. Melanie and I danced almost the entire night. Until one time she went outside with all of the other girls. I was standing with Dan and Phil for the moment.

"Hey have you seen Anthony?" a random guy walked up to me, probably knew that I was his friend.

I shook my head.

Well now that I'm thinking. Where is Anthony?

"Guys? I am thinking.. Where is Anthony?"

They looked at me with a strange look.

"What do you need Anthony for?" Phil asked.

"Just wondering, haven't seen him all night." I was looking around."

"Ian.. Don't worry. I bet it's nothing you know." Dan tried to calm me down. But I saw that he was looking around too.

"Guys don't stress out so much. If you feel comfortable if we found him, then we'll search for him, okay?" Phil had always the right words to say at the right moment.

"Thanks, Phil." I gave him a small smile and he nodded back at me.

"Don't worry."

So that was that. We walked through the entire house looking for Anthony. Kalel was in the backyard though, so Anthony should have been somewhere too. Well, if he isn't around her, we probably shouldn't ask. But Dan didn't think of it the same way.

"Kalel? Have you seen Anthony?"

She looked at us, like if she saw water burning.

"Anthony? Isn't he with you guys?" she started.

Well that's a good beginning...

"Well we were just searching for him, so maybe you could join?" And that was not the right thing to say Phil. Sometimes he was just way too nice and just wanted to invite people in. This was not the time to invite her in. What if something was wrong and she saw that. Melanie looked at me. I talked with her about Anthony, she shared the same opinion, but in her eyes I saw that she didn't pay attention to what he did or where he went.

"Let's go search for Anthony then."

The last place where you look, that is usually where the thing you lost is. That's always the case, just like this time. We walked upstairs, scared almost, because we weren't allowed to be here. Was here even someone?

Everyone hestitated before taking the last step, well we went already up the stairs, so if we weren't allowed, we already broke the rules, so what.

I was the 'leader', not that I actually led them though. I was just walking in the front, because it was kind of dark. I felt Melanie squeeze my hand. The last door, a sound. Kissing. Well we wouldn't want to walk into that! Until we heard one voice that we all recognized.

"Hey, we shouldn't make too much noise, or someone will hear us babe." It was mister Padilla. And he was currently playing. Kalel noticed, and I got mad. It was not that she was my girlfriend or that I was in love with her. It was just that he was pretending to love her. And he didn't.

"Guys?" It was Anthony. As soon as we opened the door he stopped kissing.

"We heard you so stop pretending nothing happened." I spoke.

"Why Anthony.. Why?" I heard Kalel.

"Yes... Why?"

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