16. Revenge?

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[Dan's POV]
I sat in my bus with Phil next to me. I sent some texts to Kalel about the kiss and if she wanted me to apologize to Anthony.
<That's sweet Dan, but it's over..>
<I know but this was kind of my fault you know..>
<It wasn't! Don't blame it on yourself, you're a good person, and I know that.>
She told me that she was actually hurt and she didn't want to see Anthony or even his reaction..
But still.. I felt like I needed to do something...

While walking down the hallway I heard people whispering.

"Just ignore it Dan.. They're just jealous or just want something stupid to talk about." Phil comforted me. Still, I wasn't very happy. I sighed and opened my locker, grabbing some books and after that walking over to Phil's locker.

"You ready?" I asked.

He nodded and we walked to class, we both had the same schedule for today so we were lucky. Phil and I were very close ever since I moved here. He moved here first and was like a bit, alone. I did not have the best friend for the first years of my life.. I met Phil and that changed.

"Okay stop.." Phil looked me in the eyes. I looked back. He had these blue eyes which was really weird because he had this dark hair colour, but I didn't even bother to ask. "Okay.. So I see that you're.. You need someone to talk to and I'm here for you. Just remember that." I nodded and decided that I would share everything during the next class with him.

[Anthony's POV]

I saw Kalel but I decided that I would wait until the lunch break. That was in a few hours so I had enough to plan it all out.

I would act like nothing happened, and fake forgive her. I would be with her for a day or two and break her heart. Like nothing happened. That was the plan. Just like before.

I saw Dan and Phil walk in the same classroom so I decided that I would act nice to them too, to win Kalel's trust again.

"Hey.." I said when they sat down.

"Uh hi?" Phil replied.

Dan just looked at me with a weird look.

"So. How are you guys?" Don't be too nice Anthony, otherwise this gets weird and they will not trust you.

"I'm fine thanks." Phil said.

"Okay I need-.... It's unclear to me... You act like nothing of this all happened!" Dan whispered.

"I've been thinking.." I lied. "I forgive you two." I smiled a bit.
"Well thanks.. I guess.." Dan smiled.

I nodded and Dan whispered a bit with Phil. I hoped they believed this act. This was the best play-action I have ever made!

Like this, it went on until the lunch break, winning everyones trust again. I smiled and thought of it. Was this revenge or not?

{Skip to Lunchbreak}
I sat down and everybody acted normal to me. I just had to wait for Kalel to come. And she did.. After a few minutes.
"Hi! Sorry for being late!" She put her stuff next to me without noticing.
"hey.." I smiled.
"Oh... Eh.."
"Kalel it's okay.. I forgive you.."
"Really?" She asked real excited. "I mean.. Really..?" Less excited.
I nodded, she sat down. "Well that's relieving.."
"And I still love you.." I whispered. And she she looked at me again. "Oh.." She smiled.

But that was everything? Didn't she accept it anymore? Was it too obvious? Shit...

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