3. Talking and talking.

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"Play one of the players."

I almost choked on my drink.

"Say what?" I looked at her.

"Oh come on! I go on a date with Ryan! So you can do something back for me please?" she did a puppy-face thing wich made me laugh.

"What the heck Mari!" Lisa fell backwards because of laughing.

"Alright alright! I'll try it! I'm not a player but I can try it though."

Zoe and Marzia looked shocked. "Are you..." Marzia started. "Really going to do that?" Zoe continued.

I nodded quite confident. "Yeah I guess.."

-The next week.-

I sighed, it was already a week ago I made that promise, today I'll take action. I slipped in my clothes and made a small breakfast. While walking to school I bumped into Ian.

"Sorry.." I looked at him, time to take action.

"No it's okay.." He took a strand of my teal hair in his hand, putting it behind my ear. "You look beautiful.."

I bit my lip a little, he was playing I knew it.


"Ehm, shall we exchange numbers? I guess we live close to eachother and we can walk to school together?" He pointed me his house.

I nodded, putting his number in his phone.

"There you go.." he sent me a text and I laughed a bit when I saw it.

~This is Ian to Kalel :p~ He texted me.

We walked to school, where we parted.

"So tomorrow Cry and me Prop Hunt with you?" I heard Felix saying.

"Yup and-...." It was Ken, he spotted me.

"Prop Hunt?" I grinned.

"Do you want to join?" Cry looked at me. I wondered why he joined this group, he isn't even a player. Probably just for the games.

"Yeah sure why not? But one teeny tiny problem." I folded my arms. "My conputer doesn't work yet so-"

"You can play at my house." Felix put his arm around my waist.

"Fine with me." this game was too easy. My last target: Anthony.

As I walked up to my locker I heard him.

"Kalel.. Just watch out for them.. Okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

Player's eyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant