-Exchange Arrival-

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No One's POV:

The next morning arrived and Aizawa was right on time but his students weren't. Gladly the 'responsible' ones were early but Aizawa still wasn't pleased.

"Wake your classmates! I specifically said what time today and yet where are the rest?!" Aizawa raged in a whispered tone.

Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Bakugou and Kitsuki were the ones awake. Kitsuki needed to wake up early since she will be the one touring the new arrival; she volunteered herself to do the job as part of her plan of course. The five early birds went to each floor, waking their classmates up. Bakugou was rather harsh and aggressive with waking the rest up on the fourth floor. Yaoyorozu woke the girls on the fifth floor and Todoroki woke the boys on the same floor. Iida attended to both the boys on the second and third floors while Kitsuki went to the girls on the third floor and fourth floor since there weren't any girls on the second floor.

Once everyone was in the common room Aizawa inhaled and exhaled sharply before he could make his announcement. The room was silent, except for the birds chirping.

"Now behind those doors are your new classmates, Masurumi you volunteered to tour them which is less stressful for me" Aizawa said and no reaction was made as the students were waiting for his next announcements.

"Next, starting today a bus will be arriving before lunch so when the bus hasn't arrived please pack necessities enough for four days. You will be traveling to an island to train to your full limit. The bus will be traveling for thirty minutes to the port, the boat will be traveling for an hour. Any questions?" Aizawa ended his announcements, which means it is an opportunity to murmur and ask. Students were simultaneously raising their hands except for Kitsuki.

"ONE BY ONE!" Aizawa said as he raised his voice the students were silent. Kirishima volunteered to raise his question first.

"Yes Kirishima" Aizawa acknowledged and Kirishima put his hand down.

"Ano sensei, what exactly is this island training for?" he questioned and Aizawa acknowledged by nodding his head.

"This training is merely for preparation and since UA doesn't have all the equipment and since your quirks are growing while you grow, we decided a change of environment should be necessary" Aizawa answered and Kirishima expressed a surprised expression. Aizawa attended to the next question by Iida.

"Sensei, to those who are in the exchange, what will they do?" Iida questioned.

"Technically they will have their own training there" Aizawa answered and Iida nodded.

"Anymore? You need time to pack" Aizawa asked and two girls raised their hands. Torinitoru and Yaoyorozu, Yaoyorozu went first and Torinitoru didn't ask anymore.

"Sensei, is this somehow similar to the camp training during our first year?" after Yaoyorozu's question, Bakugou and Aoyama jolted their heads towards her and the rest of the class gasped at her direction. Yaoyorozu felt the tense atmosphere but she didn't mind and kept a straight face. Kitsuki however was confused but she seemed to know why the sudden reaction happened.

"Yes, somehow except I and any teacher won't come to your aid" Aizawa replied.

"WHAT?!" the whole class reacted and there came a horde of disagreements and celebrations.

"QUIET! IT'S like talking to a bunch of nursery children!" Aizawa scolded them and they silenced.

"..But it doesn't mean you could go and dilly dally" Aizawa said in a calmer tone.

"So all we're going to do is to train? Kaminari asked and Aizawa nodded.

"Now we're wasting time if there are anymore questions they will entertain them, I will call onto the new arrival" Aizawa said, leaving. Some students huddled in packs to discuss the big event ahead of them. Minutes later Aizawa came with three students. The students murmured to their arrival.

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