-The Shocking Truth-

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warning: blood, death

No One's POV:

The battle ended but it finished with an unbelievable sight. Before the paranormal could check Jurou out they were called by Kurogiri and it sounded urgent.

"Come! Quick!" Kurogiri demanded as the paranormal went through the portal. Dabi and Shigaraki knew.

"Where is she?!" Dabi asked as he looked around the place, Hamori came in the room and was relieved to see them.

"Great you guys are back... unfortunately Kitsuki is badly wounded" Hamori slowed down his words in order for the paranormal to not panic.

"WHAT?!" both Dabi and Shigaraki exclaimed in unison. They both looked for Kitsuki as they ran through the halls, bursting through all the rooms.

"Akemi and I brought her in her room and I tried my best to stop the bleeding" Hamori followed the two men as they went in Kitsuki's room. Seeing her in her bed shattered them both, mostly Dabi. Kocho, Senyu, Ishikawa, Toga, Dabi and Shigaraki went in her room.

"How?" Kocho asked as she sat on the bed side and held Kitsuki's hand.

"To be honest I'm not sure... although what bothers me is that there isn't any wound at all" Hamori added, it made Dabi furrow his brows.

"What did you say?" Dabi asked to be sure and Hamori stuttered.

"I said.. there isn't any wound present" Hamori repeated, Kocho stood up and paced around the room.

"Of course! The clone! The clone has her blood and the clone is the one that was stabbed, Kitsuki is internally bleeding" Kocho concluded after her explanation, Toga whimpered remembering the time her and Twice were ordered to make the clone.

"So its like her and the clone are bound together... what the clone feels, she feels it too right?" Ishikawa asked and Kocho nodded her head.

"Yes, though why is it that the blood is not stopping" Kocho asked, Shigaraki left to get the Doc and came back shortly after.

"I will need to take her in and check on her vitals... also more importantly her blood" the Doc said as he looked at her then back at the group.

"Do what you must" Shigaraki mumbled and the Doc immediately looked at him.

"Tomura, you've asked me quiet a lot of times... and you know these favors aren't for free" he said as he grinned, Shigaraki only ignored him. The group left Kitsuki to rest, Kocho and the two boys settled in the common area to discuss certain things.

"One thing isn't clear though.. No not one, but quiet a lot aren't clear yet" Kocho began and the two agreed with her.

"By the way... we should probably go find for any clues that were left in the battle sight" Senyu suggested and Ishikawa immediately stood up.

"Yeah we should!" he said, he left the room to look for Kurogiri. Senyu chuckled to himself seeing how determined Ishikawa was, he then turned toward Kocho and his smile faded. He approached her and sat down beside her.

"Hey... what's wrong?" Senyu asked and Kocho flinched not knowing he was already beside her.

"Oh nothing... just scenarios in my head-" Kocho didn't finish her sentence as she felt Senyu's hand slip into hers. She looked at him and he gave her an assuring smile.

"Kit's gonna be okay and we have to be positive... We lost my brother and it would crush me when we lose her" Senyu said and Kocho sobbed to the fact that Jurou is completely gone.

"Yeah she will... she's strong and I shouldn't worry" Kocho sniffed and smiled at Senyu, Senyu in return smiled at her as well. Footsteps were heard and the two immediately became formal as Ishikawa came back in.

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